I want to make my \protractor can accept points in all available format defined in PSTricks. How to do this?


    \multido{\na=0+90}{3}{\psline(!#1 .725 mul \na\space PtoC)}
    \multido{\ns=0+1}{180}{\psline(!#1 .975 mul \ns\space PtoC)(#1;\ns)}
    \multido{\nm=0+5}{37}{\psline(!#1 .950 mul \nm\space PtoC)(#1;\nm)}
        \psline(!#1 .925 mul \nl\space PtoC)(#1;\nl)
        \uput{!#1 .850 mul}[\nl]{!\nl\space 90 sub}(0,0){\small$\nl$}
        \uput{!#1 .775 mul}[!180 \nl\space sub]{!90 \nl\space sub}(0,0){\small$\nl$}
        \psline(!#1 .05 mul \nl\space PtoC)(!#1 .725 mul \nl\space PtoC)

        \rput{!#2 #4 sub #1 #3 sub atan 180 add}(0,0){%



enter image description here

  • 3
    Is the tikz-pgf tag there for a specific reason? This doesn’t look like such a broad question. Sep 20, 2013 at 19:12
  • @Qrrbrbirlbel: There is no specific reason. It was just a typo. :-) Sep 21, 2013 at 16:24

2 Answers 2


    \multido{\na=0+90}{3}{\psline(!#1 .725 mul \na\space PtoC)}
    \multido{\ns=0+1}{180}{\psline(!#1 .975 mul \ns\space PtoC)(#1;\ns)}
    \multido{\nm=0+5}{37}{\psline(!#1 .950 mul \nm\space PtoC)(#1;\nm)}
        \psline(!#1 .925 mul \nl\space PtoC)(#1;\nl)
        \uput{!#1 .850 mul}[\nl]{!\nl\space 90 sub}(0,0){\small$\nl$}
        \uput{!#1 .775 mul}[!180 \nl\space sub]{!90 \nl\space sub}(0,0){\small$\nl$}
        \psline(!#1 .05 mul \nl\space PtoC)(!#1 .725 mul \nl\space PtoC)%

\def\protractor{\pst@object{protractor}}% read * and [] and runs \<object>@i 
     \rput{! \psGetNodeCenter{node@1} \psGetNodeCenter{node@2} 
      [email protected] [email protected] sub [email protected] [email protected] sub atan }(0,0){\protractor@ii{#3}}}%



enter image description here


You can draw a node connection with \pcline, and position your protractor at one end of this connection with \ncput:


    \multido{\na=0+90}{3}{\psline(!#1 .725 mul \na\space PtoC)}
    \multido{\ns=0+1}{180}{\psline(!#1 .975 mul \ns\space PtoC)(#1;\ns)}
    \multido{\nm=0+5}{37}{\psline(!#1 .950 mul \nm\space PtoC)(#1;\nm)}
        \psline(!#1 .925 mul \nl\space PtoC)(#1;\nl)
        \uput{!#1 .850 mul}[\nl]{!\nl\space 90 sub}(0,0){\small$\nl$}
        \uput{!#1 .775 mul}[!180 \nl\space sub]{!90 \nl\space sub}(0,0){\small$\nl$}
        \psline(!#1 .05 mul \nl\space PtoC)(!#1 .725 mul \nl\space PtoC)
   \ncput[nrot=:U, npos=1]{\@protractor{#3}}%

    \protractor[linecolor=green!70!black](! 2 neg 1)(5;-10){5}
    \pcline[nodesep=-2,linecolor=blue](! 2 neg 1)(5;-10)
    \psdots(! 2 neg 1)(5;-10)


enter image description here

Alternatively you can use the \pst@getcoor macro to extract the node coordinates:

      \rput{! \pst@tempA \pst@tempB 
              3 -1 roll exch sub 
              3 1 roll sub atan 180 add}(0,0){%
  • How about adding an optional argument to \protractor as Herbert did in his answer? Sep 21, 2013 at 1:59
  • 1
    @PGFTricks See the edited answer.
    – Christoph
    Sep 21, 2013 at 6:20

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