I'm practicing LaTeX with IEEEtran.cls. I'm am slowly filling in the information, but I am getting stuck from the beginning.

\documentclass[12pt, journal, compsoc]{IEEEtran}

\title{ This is my practice document}

Abstract content goes here.

From the above simple .tex file, after compilation in the PDF, I can see the Abstract content. However, I don't see either title or author.

  • 3
    You have to include the command \maketitle to actually show the title and the authors. \title and \author just store the content.
    – Guido
    Oct 11, 2013 at 3:51
  • @Guido Maybe you should write an answer (just to close the thread) Oct 14, 2013 at 11:40

1 Answer 1


To output the title and author of a document using IEEEtran.cls (and in almost all LaTeX classes) is produced by the \maketitle command.

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