I did not find the answer to my following question on the web. I apologize in advance if this question has already been answered somewhere. I would like to write a matrix with the two subscripts and exponents side by side, like in the following latex command.

${\left( T_{ij}\right)_{i=1}^n}_{j=1}^{p}$

However, in the command above, the indices and exponents are not at the same height. Does anyone know how to put them at the same height (while keeping them horizontally aligned)?

  • Try using \struts, as in \({\left(T_{ij}\right)_{i=1\strut}^{n\strut}}_{j=1\strut}^{p\strut}\), to ensure that the boxes are all the same height.
    – ChrisS
    Apr 27, 2014 at 11:24
  • What is \strut ?
    – Tarass
    Apr 27, 2014 at 15:21

4 Answers 4


A workaround:


$ {            \left( T_{ij} \right)     _{i=1} ^{n} }
  { \vphantom{ \left( T_{ij} \right) } } _{j=1} ^{p} $



  • A \vphantom makes an invisible box with width zero, but the height and depth of the formula.

I would write it like a sum:


$ \mathop{(T_{ij})}\limits_{i=1,\, j=1}^{n,\, p} $


enter image description here


A different solution, using a variant of smallmatrix; it can be adjusted to cope with higher parentheses:


  \baselineskip6\ex@ \lineskip1.5\ex@ \lineskiplimit\lineskip



(T_{ij})\dbllimits{i=1 & j=1}{n & p} 
\left(\frac{i}{j}\right)\!\!\dbllimits[3ex]{i=1 & j=1}{n & p}


enter image description here

However, I'd write this in one of the following two ways:

(T_{ij})_{\substack{1\le i\le n\\[2pt] 1\le j\le p}}
(T_{ij})_{1\le i\le n,\,1\le j\le p}

enter image description here


We can make a macro \dblbounds with a simple syntax using the stackengine and xstring packages. Using in addition xparse, we can define a macro \multibounds that accepts any number of bounds as a list, with an even simpler syntax: only one argument, the different "bounds" are written with the same syntax as above, and separated by a semicolon:

\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt]{book}

\usepackage{xstring, xparse}

 \newcommand\dblbound[2]{\!\everymath{\scriptstyle}\setstackgap{L}{0.8\baselineskip}\Vectorstack[l]{\StrBehind{#1}{..} \StrBefore{#1}{..}}\:\Vectorstack[l]{\StrBehind{#2}{..} \StrBefore{#2}{..}}}

\DeclareDocumentCommand \multibounds
{ > { \SplitList { ; } } m}


 \left( T_{ij} \right)\dblbound{i = 1..n}{j = 1..p}%
\begin{pmatrix}\displaystyle T_{i, j, k}\end{pmatrix}\multibounds{i = 1..n ; j = 1..p; k = 1.. q}{}


enter image description here

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