I would like to create a table like the one you can see here, maybe emphasizing nicely labels A,B with respect to the values (0,1). I tried to search but could not find a Latex code for this. Can anybody give me some tips?

enter image description here

7 Answers 7


Native (La)TeX technique.

enter image description here





%=================== First Row =====================
%================== Second Row =====================
$\displaystyle \int_a^b f(x)\,\textrm{d}x=F(b)-F(a)$&
$\displaystyle \int_a^b f(x)\,\textrm{d}x=F(b)-F(a)$\tabularnewline\hline
%==================== Third Row =====================
$\displaystyle \int_a^b f(x)\,\textrm{d}x=F(b)-F(a)$&
$\displaystyle \int_a^b f(x)\,\textrm{d}x=F(b)-F(a)$\tabularnewline\hline
\caption{The truth table.}

See Table~\ref{tab:Truth} on page~\pageref{tab:Truth} for the details.

Note: you can adjust the width of each column by specifying the ratio in



  • 0.1 of \linewidth is for first column
  • 0.35 of \linewidth is for second column
  • 0.35 of \linewidth is for third column
  • 0.2 of \linewidth is for table horizontal margin
  • If you can insert image with \includegraphics{} and the vertical alignment still works. For \[...\] or \begin{equation}...\end{equation}, there is an adjustment that must be applied. Let me know if you want to use them. :-) Aug 12, 2011 at 14:53


\begin{tabular}{ | >{\bfseries}c | c | c | } \cline{2-3}
\multicolumn{1}{c|}{} &  \textbf{A} & \textbf{B} \\\hline
                    A &  0          & 1          \\\hline
                    B & $P(\omega_{l1},\omega_{l2} | x_1,x_2)$ & 2\\\hline

enter image description here

  • NOTE: Neither \[...\] nor \begin{equation}...\end{equation} is allowed in this answer. :-) Aug 12, 2011 at 14:51
  • except of a vertical centering there is no need to use \[...\] in a tabular! And the same for the equation environment, which makes only sense if someone needs the numbering.
    – user2478
    Aug 12, 2011 at 14:59

This is an alternative solution using TikZ:

  \matrix [nodes={draw,minimum size=5mm},column sep=-\pgflinewidth,row sep=-\pgflinewidth] {
 & \node{A}; & \node {B}; \\ 
\node {A}; &    \node{0}; & \node {1}; \\
\node {B}; &    \node{1}; & \node {0}; \\
  • I noticed that the border width does not equal for each box. You need to adjust it. :-) Aug 12, 2011 at 10:39
  • @xport: is this newer version any better?
    – Dror
    Aug 12, 2011 at 11:27
  • 1
    @Dror: You should set the options to [nodes={draw,minimum size=5mm},column sep=-\pgflinewidth,row sep=-\pgflinewidth], as in the answer to TikZ matrix as a replacement for tabular. Otherwise, no matter how you change the line width of the nodes, they will never overlap correctly.
    – Jake
    Aug 12, 2011 at 12:16

Here's an approach that uses a TikZ matrix of nodes, which eliminates the need to write \node{...} for every cell.

You can change the style of the header row and column using row 1/.style and column 1/.style:

  \matrix [
    matrix of nodes,
        minimum size=6mm,
        text depth=0.75ex,
        text height=2ex
    column sep=-\pgflinewidth,
    row sep=-\pgflinewidth,
    column 2/.style={nodes={minimum width=3cm}},
    row 1/.style={font=\bfseries},
    column 1/.style={font=\bfseries}
  ] {
 & A & B \\ 
A & 0 & 1 \\
B & $P(\omega_{l1},\omega_{l2} | x_1,x_2)$ & 2\\

Using (La)TeX's native table is also possible, but you can get a better control if using PSTricks or TikZ.

Here I use PSTricks, please compile it using xelatex or latex-dvips-ps2pdf.

enter image description here


\psset{unit=1cm}% default unit


                \mybox{1}{2}{A} \mybox{2}{2}{B}
\mybox{0}{1}{A} \mybox{1}{1}{0} \mybox{2}{1}{1}
\mybox{0}{0}{B} \mybox{1}{0}{1} \mybox{2}{0}{0}
  • Thanks for this solution! How can I handle a situation where the central cells (where now there are numbers) need to be bigger because they must contain a formula?
    – Danilo
    Aug 12, 2011 at 13:11
  • @Danilo: It is not a big problem. Just show your formulas in your question, I will see how big they are. Aug 12, 2011 at 13:14
  • Thanks. Let's say the formula is something like this: $P(\omega_{l1},\omega_{l2} | x_1,x_2)$ . Moreover: how to emphatize headers A B and how to put a caption to the table? I would like to reference to this table in my text.
    – Danilo
    Aug 12, 2011 at 13:18

enter image description here


    \rput(!#1 0.5 add #2 0.5 add){#3}



% firt row
% none
\mybox{1}{2}{\Large A}
\mybox{2}{2}{\Large B}

% second row
\mybox{0}{1}{\Large A}
\mybox{1}{1}{$P(\omega_{l1},\omega_{l2} | x_1,x_2)$}
\mybox{2}{1}{$\displaystyle \int_a^b f(x)\, \textrm{d}x=F(b)-F(a)$}

% third row
\mybox{0}{0}{\Large B}
\caption{The truth table.}

See Figure~\ref{fig:Truth} on page~\pageref{fig:Truth} for the details.

With {NiceTabular} of nicematrix.



  [cell-space-limits=5pt,rules/color=gray,hvlines,corners=NW] % NW = north west
\RowStyle{\bfseries }& A & B \\
A &
$\displaystyle \int_a^b f(x)\,\textrm{d}x=F(b)-F(a)$ &
$\displaystyle \int_a^b f(x)\,\textrm{d}x=F(b)-F(a)$ \\
$\displaystyle \int_a^b f(x)\,\textrm{d}x=F(b)-F(a)$&
$\displaystyle \int_a^b f(x)\,\textrm{d}x=F(b)-F(a)$ \\


You need several compilations (because nicematrix uses PGF/Tikz nodes under the hood).

Output of the above code

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