\def\thickhrule{\leavevmode \leaders \hrule height .5pt \hfill \kern \z@}
%% Note the difference between the commands the one is 
%% make and the other one is makes
  {\parindent \z@ \position \reset@font
       % {\Huge \scshape  \thechapter }
            % hacken om nummer 0 niet te weergeven 
        \hfill {\Huge \bfseries \ifthenelse{\value{chapter}>0}{\thechapter{}}{} #1\par\nobreak}
    \vskip 50\p@

%% This uses makes

  {\parindent \z@ \position \reset@font
        %{\Huge \scshape \vphantom{\thechapter}}
        {\hspace*{0pt}\hfill \Huge \bfseries #1\par\nobreak}
    \vskip 50\p@

The above code defines a Sony style chapter heading, which looks nice in my point of view. For proper lay-out, I right align the chapter. However, for long chapter titles this yields a problem, the extra line gets centred.

How to fix this in the above code?

  • Change \hfill into \raggedleft. You'll have to adjust the line breaks by hand with \\.
    – egreg
    Feb 6, 2012 at 11:45

1 Answer 1


use a parbox with \raggedleft

\def\thickhrule{\leavevmode \leaders \hrule height .5pt \hfill \kern \z@}
%% Note the difference between the commands the one is 
%% make and the other one is makes
  {\parindent \z@ \position \reset@font
       % {\Huge \scshape  \thechapter }
            % hacken om nummer 0 niet te weergeven 
        \parbox{\linewidth}{\raggedleft\Huge \bfseries 
          \ifnum\thechapter>0 \thechapter\space\fi #1}\par\nobreak}
    \vskip 50\p@

%% This uses makes

  {\parindent \z@ \position \reset@font
        %{\Huge \scshape \vphantom{\thechapter}}
        \parbox{\linewidth}{\raggedleft\Huge \bfseries #1}
    \vskip 50\p@


\chapter{A very long title for my chapter}

\chapter*{A very long title for my chapter}

enter image description here

  • Herbert, that was the answer. However \ifnum\thechapter>0 \thechapter\space\fi Did not work. But problem solved, thanks! @egreg, thanks for modifying my post for correctly displaying the code. Feb 6, 2012 at 13:23
  • Small problem: If only one line is needed, the vertical alignment is false. The text is slighty placed above the center. How to fix this? (the current workstation is crappy, so I can not provide an pdf output example currently) Feb 6, 2012 at 14:16
  • 1
    delete the [t] after \parbox
    – user2478
    Feb 6, 2012 at 14:21

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