See the MWE below. I want to achieve that, the \nameref{c} is printed as Appendix not as Some Stuff.

\chapter{First Chapter}

We refer to the \nameref{c}.



\chapter{Some stuff}\label{c}

Note that for some reasons I want to use \renewcommand\thechapter{} rather than \chapter*{...} plus \addcontentsline....

This seems like a bit of a special situation. However, the following MWE shows an application which might be quite frequent:

\chapter{First Chapter}

This is explained in the next chapter. 
%I want to set a link on "next chapter" which points to the second chapter


\chapter{Second Chapter}

NB: I have rewritten my original question. It is now much more to the point and may also be more interesting for others.

2 Answers 2


\nameref solves your problem, the example below also works without redefining \thechapter and adds an entry to the table of contents and the bookmarks.



\chapter{First Chapter}

We refer to the \nameref{chap:second}.


\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Second Chapter}
\chapter*{Second Chapter}

PS: This also works with \renewcommand*{\thechapter}{}, because in the solution the title of the chapter is referenced. I assume that you also want the string "Chapter" without number at the start of the chapter above the chapter title and that the numbering continues nevertheless.



\chapter{First Chapter}

We refer to the \nameref{chap:second}.


\chapter{Second Chapter}

PPS: Third variant because of changed question.

The name title for \nameref is internally stored in \@currentlabelname. That can be redefined to a new string that will be read by the next \label.



\chapter{First Chapter}

We refer to the \nameref{c}.



\chapter{Some stuff}

And a variant, where the reference text is replaced instead.


\chapter{First Chapter}

We refer to the \hyperref[c]{\appendixname}.



\chapter{Some stuff}\label{c}
  • Please note that I have reformulated by original question. Consequently, Heiko's answer, which perfectly solved the original problem, no longer does so. Therefore, I have unaccepted it.
    – lpdbw
    Aug 22, 2012 at 8:36
  • Thanks for updating your answer! The last variant is exayctly what I was looking for!
    – lpdbw
    Aug 22, 2012 at 9:27

Here is a possible solution:

\chapter{First Chapter}

We refer to the \hyperlink{c}{Appendix}.




\chapter{Some stuff}\label{c}



... and for the second MWE:

\chapter{First Chapter}

This is explained in the \hyperlink{c}{next chapter}. 
%Now the link points to the second chapter and is printed as "next chapter"


\chapter{Second Chapter}

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