I want to write a document in english and some words in chinese using pdfLaTeX.

Here a MWE:


This shows up as in the image below:

enter image description here

As you can see after the ǔ or the ū LaTeX puts automatically a free space even if it's not written in the code, but not after \v{a}.

1) Why happens this?

2) How can I avoid this problem? (As you can imagine its not easy to make the change every time)

Thank you for any suggestions.

1 Answer 1


ctex package loads CJKutf8 package with pdfLaTeX. CJKutf8 package loads inputenc with utf8 option. However, unicode characters like ǔ is not defined in utf8.def, so CJK package treats these characters as CJK wide symbols, using a CJK font. That's the problem.

To fix the problem, you can define these unicode characters yourself:

% pdfLaTeX
\newunicodechar{ǚ}{\v{\"u}} % or: \DeclareUnicodeCharacter{01DA}{\v{\"u}}
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % necessary for \v{\"u}




A better solution is to use XeLaTeX instead of pdfLaTeX. It's much easier to deal with unicode characters in XeTeX.

% XeLaTeX




See also xpinyin package to input pinyin easier.

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