I use the bibtex to add my reference.Reference.bib as below:

 author = {袭宗燕著},
 title = {数学软件Mathematica系统的应用及其程序设计[{M}]},
 publisher = {北京大学出版社},
 year = {1996},
 author = {刘湘晨,蔡晓君,蒋力培,方徐应},
 title = {机器人运动学分析与求解方法的探讨[{J}]},
 journal = {机床与液压},
 year = {2009},
 author = {(美)Saeed B. Niku著},
 title = {机器人学导论:分析、控制及应用[{M}]},
 publisher = {电子工业出版社},
 year = {2004},

title = {{B}uilding large software systems in {M}athematica},
author = {Wolfram Research},
organization = {Wolfram Research},
year = {2010},
author = {Serhan Yamacli,Huseyin Canbolat},
title = {Simulation of a {SCARA} robot with {PD} and learning controllers[{J}]},
journal = {Simulation {M}odelling {P}ractice and {T}heory},
year = {2008},
author = {陆金伟,李跃民},
title = {{SCARA}机器人的完整动力学显方程的推导[{J}]},
journal = {振动、测试与诊断},
year = {1995},

author = {程汀},
title = {{SCARA}机器人的设计及运动、动力学的研究[{D}]},
school = {合肥工业大学},
type = {硕士论文},
year = {2008},

author = {于华东},
title = {机器人动力学方程的符号法推导及快速计算[{D}]},
school = {北京工业大学},
year = {2002},
type = {硕士论文},

author = {Shutao Tang},
title = {A {M}odel of the {SCARA} {R}obot},
journal= {Wolfram Demonstrations Project},
year = {2014},

some parts of my paper example:

\subsection{数学软件Wolfram Mathematica}


在理论研究方面,文献\cite{ChengDing}对SCARA机器人的运动学和动力学进行了符号推导,并利用MATLAB分别进行了仿真,文献\cite{DynamicEquation}对SCARA机器人的动力学方程进行了显式推导,文献\cite{YuHuaDong}受当时计算机硬件水平的限制,采用Mathematica对5自由度的类Rm501机器人进行了动力学的符号推导。Serhan Yamacli和Huseyin Canbolat基于控制器的PD和learning的条件下仿真一种SCARA型机器人操作手\cite{SCARASimulationPID},利用那些控制器来研究机器人的轨迹跟随性能,并分析了几种控制算法的控制性能。









aftering two compiling,it show as below :

enter image description here

So my question is why and how to revise it?Can someone help me?Thanks sincerely.

  • 1
    You are missing a closing brace } in entry YuHuaDong and SCARAModel.
    – Werner
    May 1, 2014 at 5:40
  • Did that fix your problem?
    – Werner
    May 1, 2014 at 5:46
  • @Werner,Ok,I have edited it,Thanks!+1)
    – mma
    May 1, 2014 at 5:49
  • But did that fix your original problem? Yes? No?
    – Werner
    May 1, 2014 at 5:51
  • 1
    @mma I copied the current version you have in the question and compiled. The PDF shows nothing wrong.
    – egreg
    May 1, 2014 at 9:22


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