Could someone please post a minimal tikz example to draw this:

nested boxes with tikz

I am currently doing this with nested tables, but would like to see how it can be done with tikz.

The nodes would ideally have a pre-set minimal width and height, yet expand with their contents.

  • "The nodes would ideally have a pre-set minimal width and height, yet expand with their contents." That is the standard behaviour of nodes, isn't it?
    – Seamus
    May 19, 2011 at 13:53
  • @Seamus: Normally the minimal width and height is zero IIRC. The expanding part is standard behaviour. May 19, 2011 at 14:52
  • @Martin right, but minimum height and minimum width are keys tikz recognises...
    – Seamus
    May 19, 2011 at 15:49

2 Answers 2


The shapes.multipart library of TikZ can be helpful (refer to Section 48.6 Shapes with Multiple Text Parts of the pgfmanual); a little example:



  double/.style={draw, anchor=text, rectangle split,rectangle split parts=2},
  triple/.style={draw, anchor=text, rectangle split,rectangle split parts=3}
  \node[triple] {foo
      \tikz{\node[double] {\nodepart{second}baz};}

  \node[triple] at (2.2,0) {some text here
      \tikz{\node[double] {\nodepart{second}some more text goes here};}

  \node[double,align=center] at (7.5,0) {some text here
      bar \\
      \tikz{\node[double,align=center] {\nodepart{second}some more text\\ goes here};}



  • Lovely, thank you! How would I go about breaking text though? some more \\ text goes here just removes the space between more and text. May 19, 2011 at 14:29
  • @Nickolay Kolev: you can use the align= key for the nodes; I've updated my example. May 19, 2011 at 14:36

Do you know about the drs package? (I assuming you want to construct discourse representation structures and tikz itself isn't a requirement.)

\drs{X}{ the lawyers(X) \\ 
   \qdrs{x}{x $\in$ X}
        {y}{secretary(y) \\ x hired y}}

enter image description here

  • I do know it, and it is what I am using right now. I am having a few issues with it though, and I wanted to learn TikZ anyway, so I thought of writing a replacement. May 20, 2011 at 7:23

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