When using embedded tabu environments I have difficulties having different vertical space in the outer and inner tables. Consider these simple embedded tabu tables:


      left & {\LARGE \textbf{MIDDLE}} & right
    \end{tabu} \\
      left & {\LARGE \textbf{MIDDLE}} & right
    \end{tabu} \\

The table renders like this:

Large text too close to hline

As you can see, the large text is too close to the upper \hline. To fix this I try to use the \tabulinesep command before the first/outer table:

(I use a large 5pt spacing to make it obvious what happens.)


  \tabulinesep=^5pt % <==== At least 5pt above text.
      left & {\LARGE \textbf{MIDDLE}} & right
    \end{tabu} \\
      left & {\LARGE \textbf{MIDDLE}} & right
    \end{tabu} \\

However, it leaves gaps above the vertical rules (lines) as the \tabulinesep also applies to the outer table:

Gaps above vertical rules

To fix it, I can use a \tabulinesep command right above the two innner tables where it should apply like this:


    \tabulinesep=^5pt % <==== At least 5pt above text in inner table.
      left & {\LARGE \textbf{MIDDLE}} & right
    \end{tabu} \\
    \tabulinesep=^5pt % <==== At least 5pt above text in inner table.
      left & {\LARGE \textbf{MIDDLE}} & right
    \end{tabu} \\

Which renders the correct result:

Correct spacing in innner tables

However, I do not want to repeat myself for each inner table. So what I really want is to set a global default, and then make an exception for the outer table. My guess would be this but it does not work:


\global\tabulinesep=^5pt % <=== Global setting

  \tabulinesep=^0pt % <==== Cannot override for outer table only... :-(
      left & {\LARGE \textbf{MIDDLE}} & right
    \end{tabu} \\
      left & {\LARGE \textbf{MIDDLE}} & right
    \end{tabu} \\

The result is the first image (where I started out).

Any suggestions for setting a global \tabusep and then override it for the outer table?

1 Answer 1


You can insert a strut, just for its height part in case only uppercase is used. I show both examples.

\usepackage{amsmath} % for a better \smash

      left & \LARGE\smash[b]{\strut}\textbf{MIDDLE} & right
    \end{tabu} \\
      left & \LARGE\strut\textbf{MIDDLEg} & right
    \end{tabu} \\

enter image description here

  • Elegant solution (I did not know of neither \smash nor the amsmath version of \smash) even though it does not really answer my question (maybe because what I ask is not possible?)
    – mgd
    Oct 18, 2014 at 14:00
  • Ok, I ended up using your solution since it also gives nice font size dependent spacing from the top rule. However, I ran into another problem which I will post as a separate question.
    – mgd
    Oct 18, 2014 at 17:02
  • I posted the additional question here: tex.stackexchange.com/q/207850/16761
    – mgd
    Oct 18, 2014 at 19:15

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