I'm having problems listing authors in a way that doesn't cause a strange 'and' operator to appear between names, as well as names to appear on completely different lines. Sometimes it goes away and sometimes it appears, sometimes between authors 1 and 2 while sometimes between authors 1 and 3, depending on how much text I insert into the main body of the document. Here's an example ('and' operator between authors 2 and 3):

enter image description here

I would like to format the author list to be listed sequentially: Name1, Name2, Name3 with all the respective University names, department names, and addresses included directly below the one-liner of author names. Pretty classic stuff.

Since I'm using twocolumn, the closest related issue I could find to this is: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3041809/latex-multiple-authors-in-a-two-column-article

I could not solve my issues with that SO link. Can someone please offer assistance to make things right in the code used to generate the output above:

\documentclass[twocolumn, prl]{revtex4}



\title{My title}

\email{[email protected]}
\affiliation{University name \\ Department name\\ Address}

\email{[email protected]}
\affiliation{University name\\ Department name \\ Address}

\email{[email protected]}
\affiliation{University name\\ Department name \\ Address}

  The abstract starts here.  Filling space now: etc etc etc...



My introduction starts here...

  • 1
    In your code, authors 2 and 3 are grouped because their affiliation is exactly the same (the affiliation for author 1 has an extra space and thus is singled out). If you want all the authors in the same line, you could do \author{Name1, Name 2, Name 3} and \affiliation{Affiliation 1\\Affiliation 2\\Affiliation 3}... but this is just a hack and probably it would be better to use another class if you are free to do it (and if you are using this class to submit a paper to a journal, surely they will not appreciate that you try to change the format)
    – summer
    Mar 20, 2015 at 10:57
  • This bunches everything up into an unreadable format. Perhaps I can use the authblk package with similar \author and \affiliation etc formatting?
    – warship
    Mar 20, 2015 at 22:41

1 Answer 1

\documentclass[twocolumn, prl]{revtex4}



\title{My title}

{Name 1,$^{1}$ Name 2,$^{2}$ Name 3$^{1\ast}$\\
\normalsize{$^{1}$Department Name, University Name,}\\
\normalsize{..................................................... Some potentially very long address .....................................................}\\
\normalsize{$^{2}$Department Name, University Name, Some short address}\\
\normalsize{$^\ast$To whom correspondence should be addressed: [email protected].}

  The abstract starts here.  Filling space now: etc etc etc...



My introduction starts here...


enter image description here

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