This is a follow-up question to Enumitem \SetEnumitemKey and conflict between multiple key before and after.

I want to use a key value in a list in the definition of another. Here I use a better definition of \Pointilles which allows a second parameter, i.e. the vertical space between the dots.

So I put this code instead of the old one:

\newcommand{\auxpts}[1]{\makebox[\linewidth]{\dotfill} #1}
% Pointilles

and replace each occurrence of \Pointilles{#1} by \Pointilles[#1], and \Pointilles{2} by \Pointilles[2].

This gives the final code:

\usepackage[a4paper, top=0.5cm, bottom=1.6cm, left=0.7cm , right=0.7cm]{geometry}

\newcommand{\auxpts}[1]{\makebox[\linewidth]{\dotfill} #1}
% Pointilles


  \let\olditem\item% save the standard definition of \item in a macro, \olditem
  \firstItemtrue% set the toggle for first item in the list to true
      \newline\Pointilles[#1][\bigbreak]\mbox{}\olditem %TODO here need to replace \bigbreak by the value of a parameter
  }% new, temporary defition of \item
  \ \newline \Pointilles[#1][\bigbreak]\mbox{} %TODO here need to replace \bigbreak by the value of a parameter



    \item first
    \item second
    \item third
    \item fourth
    \item first
    \item second
    \item third
    \item fourth
\begin{answers}[cols=2, dots=2]
    \item first
    \item second
    \item third
    \item fourth
\begin{answers}[dots=2, cols=2]
    \item first
    \item second
    \item third
    \item fourth

So the question is: how can I do to pass a new key value in the list instead of the default \bigbreak (the two matching lines have a %TODO)?


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