Q: How can I suitably use \textsc in a section title in ACM documents?

I'm wanting to use \textsc in a section title in an ACM document, but it looks poor. Here's a "Lorem ipsum" version:


If I attempt to fix it using \textbf{\textsc{...}} or \textsc{\textbf{...}} it still doesn't look particularly appealing, and even gets rid of the small caps in subsections:


The .cls file is available here, and here's my LaTeX file:



\section{Lorem \textsc{ipsum}}

\subsection{Lorem ipsum \textsc{dolor} sit \textsc{Amet}}

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas congue nisi justo, sed volutpat est convallis a. Aenean ultrices sed est quis tempor. Pellentesque eget iaculis risus. Nullam et lacus a justo interdum interdum at in neque. Phasellus eget lectus vitae purus posuere pellentesque. Phasellus ut fringilla lectus. Fusce maximus leo accumsan lorem posuere tempus. 

  • you need a font set that has bold small caps try \usepackage{lmodern} but if you are using that class for submitting to a journal, it doesn't make any difference, they'll use their own fonts anyway. Jun 18, 2015 at 8:49
  • 1
    You can't; the ACM classes use a very nonstandard way to define fonts for section titles, which doesn't honor the standard font selection commands of LaTeX. Complain to ACM.
    – egreg
    Jun 18, 2015 at 8:53
  • By the way, the fonts used by ACM for the section titles has no small caps (it's mathptmx, essentially).
    – egreg
    Jun 18, 2015 at 9:01
  • @DavidCarlisle Latin Modern doesn't have bold small caps....
    – cfr
    Jun 18, 2015 at 12:25
  • @cfr ah. One of the extended cm does is it cm super? anyway seems like they want a times clone anyway.... Jun 18, 2015 at 12:36

1 Answer 1


This is how the class defines the fonts for the various parts of the document:

\newfont{\secfnt}{ptmb8t at 12pt}
\newfont{\secit}{ptmbi8t at 12pt}    %13 Jan 00 gkmt
\newfont{\subsecfnt}{ptmri8t at 11pt}
\newfont{\subsecit}{ptmbi8t at 11pt}  % 
\newfont{\ttlfnt}{phvb8t at 18pt}
\newfont{\ttlit}{phvbo8t at 18pt}    % GM 2/4/2000
\newfont{\subttlfnt}{phvr8t at 14pt}
\newfont{\subttlit}{phvro8t at 14pt} % GM 2/4/2000
\newfont{\subttlbf}{phvb8t at 14pt}  % 13 Jan 00 gkmt
\newfont{\aufnt}{phvr8t at 12pt}
\newfont{\auit}{phvro8t at 12pt}     % GM 2/4/2000
\newfont{\affaddr}{phvr8t at 10pt}
\newfont{\affaddrit}{phvro8t at 10pt} % GM 2/4/2000
\newfont{\eaddfnt}{phvr8t at 12pt}
\newfont{\ixpt}{ptmr8t at 9pt}
\newfont{\confname}{ptmri8t at 8pt}
\newfont{\crnotice}{ptmr8t at 8pt}
\newfont{\ninept}{ptmr8t at 9pt}

This is so wrong that I apologize for showing this code in a place accessible also to young or sensitive audience. ;-)

You could fix this shameful code:





\section{Lorem \textsc{ipsum}}

\subsection{Lorem ipsum \textsc{dolor} sit \textsc{Amet}}

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas congue nisi justo, sed 
volutpat est convallis a. Aenean ultrices sed est quis tempor. Pellentesque eget iaculis 
risus. Nullam et lacus a justo interdum interdum at in neque. Phasellus eget lectus vitae 
purus posuere pellentesque. Phasellus ut fringilla lectus. Fusce maximus leo accumsan lorem 
posuere tempus.


enter image description here

However, I don't think that the people in charge of receiving manuscripts for the conference will be happy with this.

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