I would like to use titlesec to center my sections as follows (MWE):

\titleformat{\section}% command to format the section titles
        [block]% shape/type of title
        {\LARGE\bfseries}% formatting commands applied to both label and title
        {\begin{center} \thesection \end{center}}% section number; here set inside an invisible box with a constant width
        {0em}% separation between number and chapter title; we've already covered this with the box
        {}% additional formatting command for title itself not applied to number
\chapter{The first chapter}
\section{First section}


But this does not center the title of the section, and it is not very beautiful either. How can I beautifully center sections using titlesec?

  • 1
    Try \centering rather than \begin{center}...\end{center} and put it with the \LARGE\bfseries which applies to the title, too.
    – cfr
    Aug 3, 2015 at 12:25
  • @cfr, I have tried, but it does not work.
    – usr203050
    Aug 3, 2015 at 12:28
  • My fault! I had an error in my code. Sorry for that. You should have answered it rather than comment it.
    – usr203050
    Aug 3, 2015 at 12:43

2 Answers 2


It will work if you put \centering along with \LARGE\bfseries as suggested by cfr.

\titleformat{\section}% command to format the section titles
        [block]% shape/type of title
        {\LARGE\bfseries\centering}% formatting commands applied to both label and title
        {\thesection}% section number; here set inside an invisible box with a constant width
        {1ex}% separation between number and chapter title; we've already covered this with the box
        {}% additional formatting command for title itself not applied to number


enter image description here

You can also use the simplified format


instead of \titleformat.

%\titleformat{\section}% command to format the section titles
%        [block]% shape/type of title
%        {\LARGE\bfseries\centering}% formatting commands applied to both label and title
%        {\thesection}% section number; here set inside an invisible box with a constant width
%        {1ex}% separation between number and chapter title; we've already covered this with the box
%        {}% additional formatting command for title itself not applied to number
%        [
%        ]%

\chapter{The first chapter}
\section{First section}


As reminded by Bernard, you can also use \filcenter provided by titlesec instead of \centering.

But it would be easy to use sectsty as in AboAmmar's answer if possible.

  • Good, I in fact had an error in my code. I wrote \titleformat{\thesection} instead of \titleformat{\section}. Thank you.
    – usr203050
    Aug 3, 2015 at 12:42
  • @Harish Kumar: I don't know if there's any side effect with \centering, but titlesec provides the \filcenter command.
    – Bernard
    Aug 3, 2015 at 13:44
  • @Bernard Thanks for reminding \filcenter. I have added a note. BTW, there are not any side effects of \centering that I am aware of.
    – user11232
    Aug 3, 2015 at 13:50

A quick solution using the sectsty package



\chapter{The first chapter}
\section{First section}


Or, simply using titlesec by adding the [center] option as this:


\chapter{The first chapter}
\section{First section}


enter image description here

  • That is good, but I have used titlesec for various other purposes in the same document. Is it not possible to adapt it to titlesec instead of sectsty?
    – usr203050
    Aug 3, 2015 at 12:34
  • 1
    @usr203050 Did it!
    – AboAmmar
    Aug 3, 2015 at 12:48

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