enter image description here

How can this be done in (La)Tex?


2 Answers 2


Like this? enter image description here The code is:


a       &   b       & \dots     &   n       \\
a       &   b       & \dots     &   n       \\
\vdots  &  \vdots   &   \vdots  &   \vdots  \\   
a       &   b       & \dots     &   n       \\
w_1     \\
w_2     \\
\vdots  \\
w_n     \\
y_1     \\
y_2     \\
\vdots  \\
y_n     \\

Well, right math terms you need to write in corresponding places yourself. It should be simple task :-).


`Enhancing' @Zarko's example a little....


\definecolor{myugly}{rgb}{.6, .9, .2}

a       &   b       & \dots     &   n       \\
a       &   b       & \dots     &   n       \\
\vdots  &  \vdots   &   \vdots  &   \vdots  \\   
a       &   b       & \dots     &   n       \\
w_1     \\
w_2     \\
\vdots  \\
w_n     \\
y_1     \\
y_2     \\
\vdots  \\
y_n     \\

enter image description here

  • 1
    wery colored answer :_), I vote for it!
    – Zarko
    Sep 20, 2015 at 20:17
  • Had already voted for yours
    – JPi
    Sep 20, 2015 at 22:43

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