Suppose I have file A.tex that is the main document and has a list of references, say

[1] Reference 1
[2] Reference 2
[3] Reference 3
[4] Reference 4

There is also B.tex which is like a letter and I want to be able to cite some references from A in B, keeping the order as in A. For example, I would like to cite [2] and [4] in B and also have the reference list

[2] Reference 2
[4] Reference 4

at the end of B. Is this possible and how?

  • Can you please provide a minimal example? You have tagged this both Biblatex and BibTeX. Are you using Biblatex with backend=bibtex? That's the only way I can make sense of the tagging.
    – cfr
    Oct 17, 2015 at 22:27
  • That sounds like a complicated issue. See also the distantly related and not yet answered Excluding items cited in another .tex file from biblatex bibliography?
    – moewe
    Oct 18, 2015 at 5:20
  • @cfr, I am interested in solution based on both Biblatex and BibTex. Providing a minimal example is difficult besides what I wrote above since I don't know how to do it!
    – passerby51
    Oct 18, 2015 at 19:01
  • So Biber isn't an option at all? That's a shame. For help creating an example, see here.
    – cfr
    Oct 18, 2015 at 19:11
  • @cfr, it could be, I am all ears! Biber is a bit more inconvenient since I have to run it separately on the .bcf file every time (?), while runing pdflatex on a document containing ...[backend=bibtex]{biblatex} once seems to work. I wonder if there is an easy solution to my problem using Biber? Can I, for example, pass the .bcf file from A through Biber to achieve what I am after?
    – passerby51
    Oct 18, 2015 at 20:31

1 Answer 1


Here is a solution using the docmute package.

The idea is to import the other document in a savebox but not actually typeset it. In order to be able to print only those entries cited in our actual main document we will have to use a refsegment. To ensure that all defernumbers features work as expected we also always print the bibliography from the the other document to make sure the numbering is fine.


We then have a command \importcites which takes the file name of the .tex document we want to import the citations from. Use it directly after \begin{document} of your main file.

In the example setup \jobname.tex corresponds to your file B, and \jobname-ext.tex is file A. The technical machinery needs to reside in file B, file A is only ever mentioned in \importcites. You will have to call \printbibliography in file B with segment=\therefsegment (or segment=0) to work properly. If you omit the segment argument you will get to see the references of file A as well.




\cite{sigfridsson} and \cite{geer} and \cite{worman} and \cite{cicero}


\cite{geer} and \cite{cicero}

example output

  • Thanks. It mostly worked with some caveats: (1) I had to comment out float environments in the A document, otherwise I would get errors, (2) docmute apparently drops the preamble of A, so I had to move those definitions to the preamble of B, (3) I use hyprref package to make the citations hyperlink so that they jump to the reference list once clicked. This didn't work in B, and I assume it is because they point to ref. list in A somehow? It would be really nice if (3) can be fixed.
    – passerby51
    Oct 18, 2015 at 20:17
  • Oh... and another wired problem: Since A ends in some appendices, now all sections in B are appendices...
    – passerby51
    Oct 18, 2015 at 20:23
  • @passerby51 This solution would be much better if there was a way to essentially disable all commands in A save for the macros biblatex provides (especially floats and \appendix, just write \let\appendix\@empty, but one will have to make sure to gobble enough arguments). We can get correct hyperlinking with the fix I edited in just a few seconds ago.
    – moewe
    Oct 19, 2015 at 5:47
  • sorry for the long delay. I have tried your fix for hyperlinking (seems to be \let\blx@anchor\@empty), but it doesn't seem to help. Any ideas?
    – passerby51
    Dec 22, 2015 at 18:05
  • @passerby51 Mhhh, could you possible come up with an example that makes troubles. At the moment I cannot say why I thought that this was the right way to go then, but I will happily investigate with something more to go on.
    – moewe
    Dec 22, 2015 at 18:18

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