I am very, very new to LaTeX, and I've been trying to understand fonts but as far as I can tell, it is too complicated for me at this point.

All I really want to do, is change the amssymb version of \mathbb{R, N, C, etc.} for the kpfonts one. Can anyone help? Please keep in mind, that I'm a dumbo :)

  • NB: It is quite good that this is difficult. Using the same font gives the document a consistent and complete overall look and feel, which is very desirable. Arbitrary switching of fonts is word processor heathenry. Keep in mind that the precise appearance of a given glyph is irrelevant to its meaning, much as it doesn't matter if my 'a' has the hook on the top, or if my 'g' has a loop in the descender. of course, you may feel that one glyph looks better than another, but you should consider seriously whether this aesthetic improvement outweighs the inconsistent appearance.
    – Au101
    Nov 7, 2015 at 0:27
  • You wouldn't use a specific font just for the 'a's now, would you?
    – Au101
    Nov 7, 2015 at 0:27

1 Answer 1


Assuming that you want to change only \mathbb{}, you can load amssymb or whatever first and then override the declaration of \mathbb{}, using relevant code from kpfonts.sty.

For example:

% from kpfonts.sty


KP bb

This does consume an additional maths font but, unless you really can't afford that, this is a relatively straightforward approach.

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