helping my wife with her master's thesis. Her faculty wants no more skip after headings than between normal lines and headings can be bold but not larger than 12pt. I am using Redeclaresectioncommands.


\RedeclareSectionCommands[ beforeskip=-.2\baselineskip,
afterskip=0em ]{chapter,section,subsection,subsubsection}
\RedeclareSectionCommands[ beforeskip=.2\baselineskip,

I have tried many different parameters, none of them seem to influence the skip after the chapter heading. Also, the heading font size looks a bit like it is slightly larger than the rest.

Is this achievable?

  • 2
    Welcome! You should show us a complete, compilable code to copy and to play with ...
    – Mensch
    Apr 21, 2016 at 20:20

1 Answer 1


With afterskip=0pt or a negative value of afterskip there will be no line break after a section like heading. There will be a horizontal skip instead the vertical skip. So you have to use at least afterskip=1sp for section, subsection and subsubsection.

The sectioning commands use \par that have a glue. Because twosided KOMA-Script documents use \flushbottom the vertical space around section headings can be stretched a bit. The same happens between normal paragraphs. Note that \flushbottom ensures that the last line is always at the lower edge of the text body. But you can change this behaviour if you use \raggedbottom.


  afterskip=1sp minus 1sp,





\usepackage{blindtext}% dummy text
\chapter{A chapter}
\section{A section}
\subsection{A subsection}

\noindent\textbf{Test of normal bold text with same vertical space}


enter image description here

If the chapter and section headings should have the same size as normal text, remove \RedeclareSectionCommands[font=\large]{chapter,section} from the example.

  • Brilliant. I wrote my own theses in LaTeX a while back but I never really understood all these glue things. Personally, I think it looks less nice now but that's the way the University wants it. My wife says thank you. She wants to print today. :-)
    – Holger
    Apr 23, 2016 at 9:16

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