Is there a way to fix extremely wide tables?

I have the following table:

                &  Manual Tests & Randoop 2.5 Minutes With GUI Code &  Randoop 2.5 Minutes Without GUI Code &  Randoop 5 Minutes Without GUI Code \\ \midrule
    \% Covered Instructions &  \textbf{82.40\%} &  21.25\% &  21.30\% &  \textbf{22.10\%} \\ \bottomrule

And it looks like so:


Is there a way to make the cells slimmer? If relevant I am using scrreprt.

2 Answers 2


You can use p{width} column type for a fixed column, text will wrap automatically. For example:

  &  Manual Tests & Randoop 2.5 Minutes With GUI Code &  Randoop 2.5 Minutes Without GUI Code &  Randoop 5 Minutes Without GUI Code \\ \midrule
\% Covered Instructions &  \textbf{82.40\%} &  21.25\% &  21.30\% &  \textbf{22.10\%} \\ \bottomrule

You can also use \shortstack and use \\ for manual line break. For example:

  &  Manual Tests & \shortstack{Randoop 2.5 Minutes\\ With GUI Code} &  \shortstack{Randoop 2.5 Minutes\\ Without GUI Code} &  \shortstack{Randoop 5 Minutes\\ Without GUI Code} \\ \midrule
\% Covered Instructions &  \textbf{82.40\%} &  21.25\% &  21.30\% &  \textbf{22.10\%} \\ \bottomrule

\shortstack here can be replaced by a small tabular envronment, for better vertical alignment:


  &  Manual Tests & \minitab{Randoop 2.5 Minutes\\ With GUI Code} &  \minitab{Randoop 2.5 Minutes\\ Without GUI Code} &  \minitab{Randoop 5 Minutes\\ Without GUI Code} \\ \midrule
\% Covered Instructions &  \textbf{82.40\%} &  21.25\% &  21.30\% &  \textbf{22.10\%} \\ \bottomrule

Furthermore, you can use makecell package for more flexible commands. \shortstack or \minitab can be replaced by \makecell, \thead etc.

% \usepackage{makecell}
  &  Manual Tests & \thead{Randoop 2.5 Minutes\\ With GUI Code} &  \thead{Randoop 2.5 Minutes\\ Without GUI Code} &  \thead{Randoop 5 Minutes\\ Without GUI Code} \\ \midrule
\% Covered Instructions &  \textbf{82.40\%} &  21.25\% &  21.30\% &  \textbf{22.10\%} \\ \bottomrule
  • Thank you. That makecell package did the trick. Feb 10, 2011 at 18:07

You could break lines in wide cells. For this you could use p cells instead of l, such as p{2cm}.

I recommend

  • Using the tabularx package to adjust the table to the text width

  • Using features of the array package to insert commands into the column definition

  • Getting better breaks in cells by ragged2e

  • Loading microtype for finer automatic justification

  • Using booktabs of course, you do it already as I can see.

It's a bit much to tell - just check out the package documentation.

Here's a quick example for your table:

    &  Manual Tests & Randoop 2.5 Minutes With GUI Code &  Randoop 2.5 Minutes Without GUI Code &  Randoop 5 Minutes Without GUI Code \\ \midrule
    \% Covered Instructions &  \textbf{82.40\%} &  21.25\% &  21.30\% &  \textbf{22.10\%} \\ \bottomrule

enter image description here


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