The following minimal working example employs a cals table in the document environment and works fine:


%document encoding

\RequirePackage[a4paper, layoutwidth=10.5cm, layoutheight=20cm, noheadfoot, nomarginpar, margin=0mm, showcrop]{geometry}


\brow \nullcell{tbl}\nullcell{tb}\nullcell{tbr}\spancontent{} \ht\cals@current@row=30mm \erow
\brow \alignC \nullcell{tbl}\nullcell{tbr}\spancontent{} \alignL \cell{} \ht\cals@current@row=22mm \erow

However, when I put the code in a \newcommand called \calscommand I get a Use of \cals doesn't match its definition \calscommand error:


%document encoding

\RequirePackage[a4paper, layoutwidth=10.5cm, layoutheight=20cm, noheadfoot, nomarginpar, margin=0mm, showcrop]{geometry}

\brow \nullcell{tbl}\nullcell{tb}\nullcell{tbr}\spancontent{} \ht\cals@current@row=30mm \erow
\brow \alignC \nullcell{tbl}\nullcell{tbr}\spancontent{} \alignL \cell{} \ht\cals@current@row=22mm \erow


What am I doing wrong?

1 Answer 1




before your definition and


after it. You need the @ to be a letter used in command names at the point of the definition where you use those commands, not inside the definition.

  • Moving \makeatletter and \makeatother to the correct positions indeed did the trick. Thank you very much, David! May 18, 2013 at 9:04

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