Consider the following Pandoc-generated ConTeXt document:

\setuppapersize [A4][A4]
\setuplayout    [width=middle,  backspace=1.5in, cutspace=1.5in,
                 height=middle, topspace=0.75in, bottomspace=0.75in]



  [headstyle=bold, style=normal, location=hanging, width=4cm]

\placefigure[here,nonumber]{Little kitten}{\externalfigure[http://placekitten.com/g/480/300][method=jpg]}

  \input bryson

current output


Little kitten should grow to \textwidth. The other kitten should fit through a width of 4cm with text wrapped around it. Its picture should be flush at the top with the wrapped text.

The kittens may not be touched; only the setup before \starttext may be changed. Furthermore, no references to the image URLs should appear in the preamble for this problem to be solved as generally as possible.

I tried something with \setupexternalfigures and wfactor=fit but it does not seem to work.

  • 1
    With your input and a recent context I get exactly the result you describe and not what your screenshots show. Maybe updating your context version already solves the problem.
    – Marco
    Sep 4, 2013 at 13:58
  • @Marco context --version yields ConTeXt Process Management 0.52 and current version: 2012.05.30 11:26. I will test on a SolydX machine later on and report back here. This rolling Debian Testing release should have a more recent version of ConTeXt in its repositories. Sep 4, 2013 at 16:12
  • 1
    Instead of using the distros repository I'd suggest to install ConTeXt standalone. It can be installed as a regular user, no admin rights required, and it's the most up-to-date version.
    – Marco
    Sep 4, 2013 at 16:30
  • 1
    @SergeStroobandt: In terms of ConTeXt development speed, 2012.05.30 is a stoneage distribution. I normally install ConTeXt beta.
    – Aditya
    Sep 4, 2013 at 17:40
  • 1
    BTW, setting the image as the description title is a sneaky way of wrapping text around an image. Are you generating only tex/pdf output or do you also care about other formats? In the former case, have a look at the filter module; in the latter case, consider using a preprocessor to be able to extend markdown.
    – Aditya
    Sep 4, 2013 at 17:43

2 Answers 2



With version: 2012.05.30 11:26 of ConTeXt, \setupexternalfigures[wfactor=fit] has no effect. Hence, the following solution which also keeps in-line figures intact.

This is all really nice, because LaTeX2e has not be found capable (yet) of pulling off a similar feat. In contrast to ConTeXt, float clearing is not automatic in LaTeX2e; instead, one needs to fuddle around with distance measurements.

\setuppapersize [A4][A4]
\setuplayout    [width=middle,  backspace=1.5in, cutspace=1.5in,
                 height=middle, topspace=0.75in, bottomspace=0.75in]


\setuptolerance[horizontal, tolerant, stretch]

% Keep old definitions

% For full text-width figures
  \def\externalfigure[##1]{\oldexternalfigure[##1][method=jpg, wfactor=fit]}%
  \let\externalfigure\oldexternalfigure% Reset for in-line figures

% For figures with wrapped text

  \def\externalfigure[##1]{\oldexternalfigure[##1][method=jpg, width=4cm]}%
  \let\externalfigure\oldexternalfigure% Reset for in-line figures

  \placefigure[here,nonumber]{Little kitten}{\externalfigure[http://placekitten.com/g/480/300]}

    \input bryson



The cats have a caveat though; When the figure with the description occurs near the end of a page, its wrapped text will fall off the page like in the following example. I distilled a minimum working example out of it and linked it as a follow-up question.


Newer ConTeXt versions

Eventually, I found how to install ConTeXt Standalone under Debian. I can confirm that \setupexternalfigures[wfactor=fit] is now functional in ConTeXt version: 2013.09.09 19:45. This can significantly reduce the code when, like in the example above, no in-line images are used. However, when in a more general case in-line images are present, [wfactor=fit] cannot be used because it acts also upon these. [wfactor=fit] acting upon in-line images could be considered a ConTeXt bug. Therefore, above solution which also works with older ConTeXt versions, remains the more general solution.

  • 1
    Keep in mind that in the newer version, you will need to use alternative=... instead of location=... for the description environment.
    – Aditya
    Sep 7, 2013 at 15:05

Really, you are using the wrong (ConTeXt) markup to achieve the affect. However, I'll provide a solution that answers your question (without answering your question :)

The requirement stated:

only the setup before \starttext may be changed.

So, here it goes:

\setuppapersize [A4][A4]
\setuplayout    [width=middle,  backspace=1.5in, cutspace=1.5in,
                 height=middle, topspace=0.75in, bottomspace=0.75in]



  [headstyle=bold, style=normal, alternative=hanging, width=4cm]


\setupfloat [hangingfigure]



    \placefigure[here,nonumber]{Little kitten}{\externalfigure[http://placekitten.com/g/480/300][method=jpg]}

    \input bryson

which gives

enter image description here

More seriously, markdown provides too few markup options to achieve complicated elements. My own solution is to use a preprocessor to give it a boost, but YMMW.

  • In my 2012.05.30 version of ConTeXt, the above code produces an error on line 37, as you can see for yourself by pasting the code to live.contextgarden.net. Also, the "hard" URL links in \useexternalfigure do not make this a generally applicable solution that can be used with Pandoc-generated documents. I will add this requirement to the question. I would like to try this out with a newer ConTeXt version, but I am experiencing problems with the installation under Debian. This does not take away that I very much appreciate your answer. Sep 5, 2013 at 12:54
  • I know that using \useexternalfigure makes this solution useless in the generic case, and that is why I said that it really doesn't answer your question. Newer version of pandoc allows you to write your own writer using lua (though I have not tried it). Using that you may be able to translate pandoc code into something that is easier to tweak at ConTeXt end.
    – Aditya
    Sep 5, 2013 at 15:24
  • 1
    For the error with old version of ConTeXt, use the following definition instead: \def\startdescription#1{\placefigure[left,none]{}{#1}}
    – Aditya
    Sep 5, 2013 at 15:28
  • Thanks, that resolved the error. However, little kitten is still small over here. I was also wondering whether a \def\externalfigure redefinition within the \def\startdescription definition were possible to eliminate the hard URL-linking. Sep 5, 2013 at 16:47
  • Rather than redefining externalfigures, you could try \setupextranlfigure[width=4cm] inside the definition of \startdescription.
    – Aditya
    Sep 5, 2013 at 17:48

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