I want to used \bibentryand hyperref in my document. However when I use it as in the sample below I get the error

destination with the same identifier (name{cite.Duhm_AppliedPhysicsLetters_2009}) has been already used, dublicate ignored

I found this work around which works well (commented version in the sample below). However, the bibliography style statto, hyperlinks the title to the respective url, which I would like to keep also in the bibentry (I don't care if there is a hyperlink to the item in the bibliography itself). Is there a solution for this problem, which is not a simple work around which completely ignores the hyperlink?


  author = {Duhm, Steffen and Salzmann, Ingo and Bröker, Benjamin and Glowatzki,
    Hendrik and Johnson, Robert L. and Koch, Norbert},
  title = {Interdiffusion of molecular acceptors through organic layers to metal
    substrates mimics doping-related energy level shifts},
  journal = {Applied Physics Letters},
  year = {2009},
  volume = {95},
  pages = {093305},
  doi = {10.1063/1.3213547},
  issn = {00036951},
  url = {http://link.aip.org/link/APPLAB/v95/i9/p093305/s1&Agg=doi},
  urldate = {2011-11-05}

\makeatother \nobibliography*


A full in-text cite of

A regular citation  \cite{Duhm_AppliedPhysicsLetters_2009}.



1 Answer 1


You can redefine the \bibentry command so it does not create a hyperref target by adding


to your preamble.

E.g. your example (with natbib options added from your commet so it does not throw an error); the in text ordinary citation now links to the bibliography:

Sample output


  author = {Duhm, Steffen and Salzmann, Ingo and Bröker, Benjamin and Glowatzki,
    Hendrik and Johnson, Robert L. and Koch, Norbert},
  title = {Interdiffusion of molecular acceptors through organic layers to metal
    substrates mimics doping-related energy level shifts},
  journal = {Applied Physics Letters},
  year = {2009},
  volume = {95},
  pages = {093305},
  doi = {10.1063/1.3213547},
  issn = {00036951},
  url = {http://link.aip.org/link/APPLAB/v95/i9/p093305/s1&Agg=doi},
  urldate = {2011-11-05}

\usepackage[square, sort&compress, numbers]{natbib}




A full in-text cite of

A regular citation  \cite{Duhm_AppliedPhysicsLetters_2009}.



The new definition is just the code from bibentry.sty, i.e.


with the hyperref anchor start/end commands removed.

  • I added your solution to my file and it works fine. I seems that using \usepackage[square, sort&compress, numbers]{natbib} (instead of just natbibonly) as I have it in my file gives no error. Could you quickly explain the different elements you use in the solution?
    – Tanja
    Oct 30, 2013 at 15:05
  • @user2758804 natbib options now added to my code. Short explanation of where the command comes from added. Oct 30, 2013 at 15:22

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