I am using xelatex and biblatex (backend biber), and I would like the \cite command to act as \fullcite whenever a reference is cited the first time. For instance, say my document is as follows:

This is the first time I cite \cite{book1},
and this is the second time I cite \cite{book1}.
This is the first time I cite \cite{book2}.

Then I would like it to be compiled as

This is the first time I cite \fullcite{book1},
and this is the second time I cite \cite{book1}.
This is the first time I cite \fullcite{book2}.

Possibly, I would prefer defining a new command, e.g. \mycite, so that I can still use the original \cite.

Besides, how to tell \fullcite which fields to print, without interfering with how the references in the bibliography are shown?

1 Answer 1


For the first question, you can use the preamble option:


It does exactly what you want; verbosecan be replaced by one of the derived styles:

verbose-ibid, verbose-note, verbose-inote, verbose-trad1, verbose-trad2, verbose-trad3,

as defined in §3.3.1 of the doc.

For the second question, probably you should define some \myfullcite command. I can say no more, as you do not give any details.

  • Nice answer, thanks! But from the second citation on, the author and the title is printed, instead of the corresponding number as it is in the bibliography (e.g. [12], as it would be without the citestyle=verbose option). Besides, package hyperref creates a link that links to the first citation, rather than to the bibliography. Is there a way to correct these issues?
    – AndreasT
    Feb 8, 2014 at 14:21
  • When I use fullcite it only prints first-collaborator and collaborators. How can I get the full name of all of them?
    – skan
    Oct 28, 2020 at 16:17

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