I have a regression that has the following simple format: ln(Y) = C + lf(X). It's estimated as ln(Y) = 0.62 + 0.81. I want to plot it for a range of values for X (0 to 50) and compare it with a 45 degree line to see where it turns.

How can I create a plot (or a scatterplot) that shows something like this? A scatterplot with two series might do it: one for (x,x) with X going from 0 to 50 and a second with (x,y) with X going from 0 to 50 and y as calculated with the line above ln(y) = 0.62+0.81.

How can I do something like this?


%For x = 0 to 50, plot Y = exp(0.81 + 0.62X)    
%From x = 0 to 50, plot a 45 degree line straight from the origin for comparison

1 Answer 1


You have two options for the exponential function:

  1. Crank samples up to 500 or so
  2. Use samples at and determine, where the exponential function is 50.

        no markers,
        restrict y to domain=0:50,
        legend pos=south east,
        \addplot {x};
        \addplot+[smooth,samples at={0,1,2,3,4,5}] {exp(0.81 + 0.62*x)};
        \legend{$45^\circ$ line,$\exp(0.81 + 0.62 x)$},

enter image description here

  • Sorry: I should have clarified. The 45 degree line is fine. The other line should have be filled with values as follows: (X,Y) where X is from 0 to 50 and Y is exp(0.62 + 0.81X). Mar 17, 2014 at 17:22
  • 1
    @user2146441 Aha! You dropped the x in your question. Mar 17, 2014 at 17:28

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