Is it possible to customize frame number like figure below?enter image description here


3 Answers 3


Below I present two options:





    (0,0) -- (0:\radius) arc  (0:360:\radius) -- cycle;
    (0,0) -- (90:\radius) arc  (90:90-\insertframenumber*\aux:\radius) -- cycle;
  \node[font=\color{white}] at (0,0) {\strut\Large\insertframenumber};






enter image description here

The second fancier option (this might take longer to process for a presentation with many frames):





  \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay,rotate=90+\aux]
  \foreach \i in {0,1,...,\thetotavalue}
      (0,0) -- (-\i*\aux:\radius) arc  (-\i*\aux:-(\i+1)*\aux+\step:\radius) -- cycle;
  \foreach \i in {1,...,\insertframenumber}
      (0,0) -- (-\i*\aux:\radius) arc  (-\i*\aux:-(\i+1)*\aux+\step:\radius) -- cycle;
  \fill[white] circle (\radius/2);
  \node at (0,0) {\large\insertframenumber}; 






enter image description here

  • thx, it works perfect
    – user49875
    Apr 14, 2014 at 19:51
  • But it doesnt work by lualatex when I use luapersian package and it has some errors like : ! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [input stack size=5000].
    – user49875
    Apr 14, 2014 at 19:52
  • @user49875 I'm sorry to hear that; unfortunately, I don't have the luapersian package, so I cannot do any tests to diagnose the problem. You could consider opening a follow-up question mentioning the problem there and providing a minimal version of the code (a little test document like the one in the answers) that is not working. Apr 14, 2014 at 19:56

Basically, this answer is just a minor revision from my previous one Visual counter for LaTeX? and I will present a few version, all customizable through a user-friendly key-value interface.

From the original solution, a few changes should be performed:

  • removed beamer useless option;
  • set radius and thickness options to the same value to get sectors;
  • set a negative value to segment distance to avoid separation between sectors;
  • added the page number through \insertframenumber.

And here it is an example:


\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}

\pgfkeys{/visual counter/.cd,
 thickness/.store in=\thickness,
 radius/.store in=\radius,
 segment distance/.store in=\segdist,
 segment distance=8,
 color current frame/.store in=\colcurrframe,
 color current frame=orange,
 color old frame/.store in=\cololdframe,
 color old frame=blue,
 color next frame/.store in=\colnextframe,
 color next frame=gray!30,
 color page number/.store in=\colpagenum,
 color page number=white,
 current value/.store in=\currentv,
 current value=1,
 total value/.store in=\totalv,
 total value=2,
 circled page number/.code={
    \begin{tikzpicture}[fill color/.style={}]
     \pgfkeys{/visual counter/.cd, 
       current value=\insertframenumber,
       total value=\inserttotalframenumber,

    \foreach \s in {1,...,\tot}
        \tikzset{fill color/.append style={\colnextframe}}%
        \tikzset{fill color/.append style={\colcurrframe}}%
        \tikzset{fill color/.append style={\cololdframe}}%
      \fill[fill color]
        ({90-360/\tot * (\s - 1)-\segdist}:\radiusout) arc 
        ({90-360/\tot * (\s - 1)-\segdist}:{90-360/\tot * (\s)+\segdist}:\radiusout) --
        ({90-360/\tot * (\s)+\segdist}:\radiusin) arc 
        ({90-360/\tot * (\s)+\segdist}:{90-360/\tot * (\s - 1)-\segdist}:\radiusin);
        % new addition
        \node[inner sep=0pt,text=\colpagenum] at (0,0){\insertframenumber};

% new footline with 
\begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=0.95\textwidth, ht=2ex,dp=1ex,sep=1ex]{footline}
\tikz\node[/visual counter/.cd,
segment distance=-2pt,
radius=0.5cm, thickness=0.5cm,
color old frame=orange!50,
color current frame=cyan!80!gray!50,
color next frame=cyan!80!gray!50,
circled page number,


bla bla bla


\begin{frame}{Something else}
bla bla bla


\begin{frame}{Different title}
bla bla bla

\begin{frame}{Another one}
bla bla bla


bla bla bla



The result:

enter image description here

Just for demonstration, with a simple change of the footline template in the previous document into:

% new footline with 
\begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=0.95\textwidth, ht=2ex,dp=1ex,sep=1ex]{footline}
\tikz\node[/visual counter/.cd, beamer=true,
radius=0.5cm, thickness=0.225cm,
color old frame=orange!80,
color current frame=cyan!80!gray!80,
color next frame=cyan!80!gray!80,
color page number=black,
circled page number,

it is possible to achieve the same result of Gonzalo's fancy option:

enter image description here


% new footline with 
\begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=0.95\textwidth, ht=2ex,dp=1ex,sep=1ex]{footline}
\tikz\node[/visual counter/.cd, beamer=true,
radius=0.5cm, thickness=0.175cm,
color old frame=cyan!80!gray!80, %       <= just set a different coloring
color current frame=orange!80,
color next frame=gray!80,
color page number=black,
circled page number,

the result becomes:

enter image description here

Another possibility is to have different thickness for frames to be appear compared to current frame and frames already appeared; for this, we should just change the thickness value of circled page number key:

circled page number/.code={
    \begin{tikzpicture}[fill color/.style={}]
     \pgfkeys{/visual counter/.cd, 
       current value=\insertframenumber-1,
       total value=\inserttotalframenumber,

    \foreach \s in {1,...,\tot}
        \tikzset{fill color/.append style={\colnextframe}}%
        \pgfkeys{/visual counter/thickness={0.1cm}}%            <= new addition
        \tikzset{fill color/.append style={\colcurrframe}}%
        \tikzset{fill color/.append style={\cololdframe}}%
      \fill[fill color]
        ({90-360/\tot * (\s - 1)-\segdist}:\radiusout) arc 
        ({90-360/\tot * (\s - 1)-\segdist}:{90-360/\tot * (\s)+\segdist}:\radiusout) --
        ({90-360/\tot * (\s)+\segdist}:\radiusin) arc 
        ({90-360/\tot * (\s)+\segdist}:{90-360/\tot * (\s - 1)-\segdist}:\radiusin);
        % new addition
        \node[inner sep=0pt,text=\colpagenum] at (0,0){\insertframenumber};

(of course introducing another key would be far way better, but it's quite easy). It leads to:

enter image description here

  • It doesnt work by lualatex when I use luapersian package and it has some errors like : ! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [input stack size=5000].
    – user49875
    Apr 14, 2014 at 19:55
  • @user49875 as I said in a comment to my answer, I think the best thing to do here is to ask a follow-up question. Apr 14, 2014 at 19:56
  • @user49875: I agree with Gonzalo, a fresh question would be better. Like him, I don't have luapersian package; however, I can tell you that testing the documents with lualatex, the compilation was fine both times. Apr 15, 2014 at 11:06

To expand on samcarter's comment, this is how such a counter can be displayed using the visualcounter module in ConTeXt. (Full disclosure: I am author of visual counter module).

First, we need to define a Metapost graphic that draws the appropriate shapes. See the documentation for what the predefined parameters mean:


  [      \c!mp=visualcounter::clock,

  begingroup ;


  draw fullcircle scaled 10pt;

  if (last_counter > 0) and (current_counter > 0) :
      % label
      newpicture countertext     ; countertext     := textext("\visualcounterparameter\c!text");
      newpicture max_countertext ; max_countertext := textext("\visualcounterparameter{\c!max\c!text}");

      newnumeric diameter;
      diameter := max(bbwidth(max_countertext), bbheight(max_countertext)) 
                   + 2*\visualcounterparameter\c!offset;

      newpath circle ; circle := reverse (fullcircle scaled diameter) rotated 90;

      newnumeric timescale; timescale := arclength (circle)/last_counter ;
      newpair current; current := point (current_counter*timescale) on circle;
      newpath slice;   slice := origin -- (circle cutafter current) -- cycle ;

      fill circle withcolor future_color;
      fill slice withcolor past_color;
      label (countertext, origin) withcolor \visualcounterparameter\c!color ;

  endgroup ;


Then, it is straightforward to tie this to any ConTeXt counter. For example:






which gives:

enter image description here

The label is drawn according to the number conversion specified by the counter. So, if you change:


you will get

enter image description here

To use this with pagenumbers, use:

      [page] % use any identifier

and then use


wherever you want the page number.


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