I'm using the following configuration to cite sources:

\usepackage[backend=bibtex, style=authoryear-ibid, autocite=footnote]{biblatex}

One of my indirect citations looks like this:


I get this result:

Vgl. Ruschmeyer u. a. 1995, S. 123

I'd rather like to get this result, according to my university's guidelines:

Vgl. Ruschmeyer u. a. (1995), S. 123

How can I enclose the year in brackets and keep everything else as it is? I've read about \DeclareAutoCiteCommand, but it seems to do a lot more than what I need.

I had a look at this solution, but it does not work for indirect citations and the parentheses also include the pagenumbers.

Thank you for your help!

1 Answer 1


One solution is to redefine the macro cite:labelyear+extrayear to always wrap the labelyear (and extrayear, if applicable) in parentheses.


This will make \textcite and \citeyear look weird though, so we can also go for a slightly longer redefinition of the cite macro (along with a definition of a new macro):



or (to put everything into one macro)


MWE with the second solution

\usepackage[backend=bibtex, style=authoryear-ibid, autocite=footnote]{biblatex}



Lorem\autocite[Vgl.][123]{markey} ipsum\autocite{knuth:ct:a} dolor\autocite{knuth:ct:b} sit\autocite{knuth:ct:a,knuth:ct:b} amet.

\Textcite{wilde} consecetur.


enter image description here

  • Wow, thank you. How can I figure something like that out on my own? I know how to print macro definitions (e.g. with \meaning), but how did you manage to get all that information?
    – Xiphias
    Apr 23, 2014 at 6:24
  • 1
    @Tobias You're welcome. The definitions can be found in biblatex.def, standard.bbx as well as <style>.bbx and <style>.cbx, the macros here were hidden in authoryear-ibid.cbx (sometimes these files link to other ones via \RequireCitationStyle/RequireBibliographyStyle).
    – moewe
    Apr 23, 2014 at 6:56
  • I'll have a look at that!
    – Xiphias
    Apr 23, 2014 at 7:20
  • I tried to use this with the Bib-style style=authoryear and with \footcite instat of \autocite. This doesn't work for me. After deleting the line with: \global\boolfalse{cbx:loccit} there are no errors produced anymore, but I don't know if this is the correct answer.
    – Latex_NOOB
    Nov 20, 2014 at 13:32
  • @Latex_NOOB As this answer was specifically tailored to authoryear-ibid it is not guaranteed to work with other styles, authoryear should be close enough, but you can run into trouble with certain macros or other things not being defined (\global\boolfalse{cbx:loccit} did not work because authoryear does not know about the bool value cbx:loccit). Du to biblatex's structure deleting this line should work, but the only way to really judge whether this is what you want is by looking at the output...
    – moewe
    Nov 21, 2014 at 15:32

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