I've read that "All items listed in the bibliography should be cited in the body of the paper."

But if I did not cite any item in the .tex file, how can I list the items in the bibliography? That's it, I did not want to cite any item, but to appear in the bibliography section

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    Have a look at this question.
    – lockstep
    May 7, 2011 at 8:41
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1 Answer 1


write \nocite{*} for all entries in the used bib data file or \nocite{<key>} for a single one, which is not cited in the text. Place these commands anywhere in your text body. I prefer the place before printing the bib.

  • I have done so, but when i run the file, nothing gets printed in the references. Jun 29, 2023 at 14:07

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