
I have to use top aligned aligned to let the baseline of the top equation be aligned with the enumerate label.


The curly brace goes beyond the top equation so it does not look good.


How to prevent the opening curly brace from going out over the top equation?


Find the solution of
        2x +5y &=12\\
        3x -8y &=11
        -2x -3y &=7\\
        x -2y &=1

enter image description here

  • Is adjustbox useful to fix this problem? I haven't tried it yet. May 16, 2014 at 4:45
  • You may use the \cropdelims macro defined in this answer to achieve this effect. (\item $\!\cropdelims \left\{ {\begin{aligned}[t] 2x +5y &=12\\ 3x -8y &=11 \end{aligned} } \right.$) May 16, 2014 at 5:03
  • It seems very much sufficient to use \item \raisebox{-.5\dimexpr\jot+\baselineskip}{$ \left\{\begin{array}{r@{}l} 2x + 5y & {}= 12 \\[\jot] 3x - 8y & {}= 11 \end{array}\right. $}
    – Werner
    May 16, 2014 at 5:40
  • @Werner: Is the calculation based on an exact dimension arithmetic or an approximation? May 16, 2014 at 5:44
  • In my honest opinion, i like it better, if a. and b. would be at the tip of the opening brace. This way one could also use easily the cases environment.
    – Ronny
    May 16, 2014 at 6:04

4 Answers 4


Use delarray:


 {\begin{array}[#1]\{{@{} r @{} >{{}} l @{}}.}

Find the solution of
\item $\begin{system}[t]
       2x + 5y & = 12 \\[\jot]
       3x - 8y & = 11

\item $\begin{system}[t]
       -2x -3y & = 7 \\[\jot]
         x -2y & = 1

enter image description here


Here's a fairly intuitive and informal way of achieving your requirement:

enter image description here



Find the solution of
      2x + 5y & {}= 12 \\[\jot]
      3x - 8y & {}= 11

      -2x -3y & {}= 7 \\[\jot]
        x -2y & {}= 1

The idea is to lower the brace rather than the entire construction. And, perhaps even simpler:

enter image description here


Find the solution of
      2x + 5y & {}= 12 \\[\jot]
      3x - 8y & {}= 11

      -2x -3y & {}= 7 \\[\jot]
        x -2y & {}= 1

enter image description here



Find the solution of
        2x +5y &=12\\
        3x -8y &=11
        -2x -3y &=7\\
        x -2y &=1
    \end{aligned}\quad\text{ la suite}
  • Yes of course it compiles but you broke the rule of the game. May 16, 2014 at 4:15
  • @MoneyOrientedProgrammer Is it better ?
    – Tarass
    May 16, 2014 at 4:46
  • Yes. Better but not the best. :-) May 16, 2014 at 4:54
  • I missed again something ?
    – Tarass
    May 16, 2014 at 5:25
  • Also interesting: What's Bob doing and how does it work; can you extend your answer on that? That would be quite nice
    – Ronny
    May 16, 2014 at 5:30

Here, I use a \scalerel[max-width]{\{}{...} in lieu of the \left\{...\right. syntax to match the delimiter to the height of the item.

Find the solution of
        2x +5y &=12\\
        3x -8y &=11
        -2x -3y &=7\\
        x -2y &=1

enter image description here

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