I was reading Jan Tschichold's The Form of the Book and he suggest to use

[\guilsinglleft] and [\guilsinglright]

instead of « » for the outer quotation mark. So, I wonder how to do it, provided that Biblatex produces the article entry (and other entries as well) with «guillemots».

The output should look something like this:

‹Here is a quote «and a quote within». Done!›

The code should be

\enquote{Here is a quote \enquote{and a quote within}. Done!}

1 Answer 1


The basic interface is pretty simple, but you leave a lot of questions unanswered about the language(s) involved and the degree of complexity about quotations (and possibly about encodings). Here's the basic idea though:



\enquote{Here is a quote \enquote{and a quote within}. Done!} 

 \enquote{Here is a quote \enquote{and a quote within}. Done!}   


But see §.8.1 for the many optional arguments for \DeclareQuoteStyle, which can take the following form:

\DeclareQuoteStyle [ variant ]{ style }[ outer init ][ inner init ]%
  { opening outer mark }[ middle outer mark ]{ closing outer mark }[ kern ]%
  { opening inner mark }[ middle inner mark ]{ closing inner mark }

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