I am new to LaTeX. I am not sure how to frame my question. But I will frame it so that it is understandable.

I would like to make a subfigure, but the caption must be

caption of subfigure a-1 caption of subfigure a-2

caption of subfigure b-1 caption of subfigure b-2

                 `caption  of entire figure`

I tried using subfigure, but I am getting continuously a,b,c,d, but i need to name them as as mentioned above (a-1, a-2, b-1, b-2). In my situation, there are chances that the sub figures might be in different pages.

  • There are several different subfigure and subcaption packages, but you really don't need any of them. Just put them all into a tabular, then use a regular caption at the bottom. Dec 14, 2014 at 14:28

1 Answer 1


This uses the same idea as subequations of amsmath.





\caption{caption of subfigure a--1}\label{a--1}
\caption{caption of subfigure a--2}\label{a--2}

\caption{caption of subfigure b--1}\label{b--1}
\caption{caption of subfigure b--2}\label{b--2}

\caption{caption  of entire figure}

\ref{a--1} and \subref{a--1};
\ref{b--1} and \subref{b--1}.


enter image description here


The above code doesn't really work if more figure environments use subsubcaption. Here's a workaround that tries to work well also with \ContinuedFloat.





\caption{caption of subfigure a--1}\label{a--1}
\caption{caption of subfigure a--2}\label{a--2}

\caption{caption of subfigure b--1}\label{b--1}
\caption{caption of subfigure b--2}\label{b--2}

\caption{caption  of entire figure}

\ref{a--1} and \subref{a--1};
\ref{b--1} and \subref{b--1}.

\caption{caption of subfigure c--1}\label{c--1}
\caption{caption of subfigure c--2}\label{c--2}

\caption{caption of subfigure d--1}\label{d--1}
\caption{caption of subfigure d--2}\label{d--2}

\caption{caption  of entire figure (continued)}

\caption{caption of subfigure a--1}\label{a--1-x}
\caption{caption of subfigure a--2}\label{a--2-x}

\caption{caption of subfigure b--1}\label{b--1-x}
\caption{caption of subfigure b--2}\label{b--2-x}

\caption{caption  of entire figure}


enter image description here

The “continuation” figure has labels c and d, while the following “new” one has a and b again.

  • @egreg..Thank you very much. This is what I was expecting. 1. But, for me, the counter is starting from c (Eg: c-1,c-2): 2. Also I have multiple subfigures. The figures are not moving automatically to next page, instead the sub-figures are in bottom margin of the current page. For this I tried to remove '\ignorespacesafterend', but this doesn't help me.
    – user8162
    Dec 14, 2014 at 17:34
  • @user8162 A figure environment is never split across pages. You can look at \ContinuedFloat in caption.
    – egreg
    Dec 14, 2014 at 17:35
  • Thanks.. \continuedfloat worked fine. I am extremely sorry for asking more questions. But still the counter starts from c.
    – user8162
    Dec 14, 2014 at 17:44
  • @user8162 For the counter starting from c we need a minimal example. Open a new question.
    – egreg
    Dec 14, 2014 at 19:00

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