My code part

\begin{tabu} to 0.42\textwidth {@{}|X[l]@{}|X[l]|}
\textbf{A)} #1 & \textbf{B)} #2\\
\textbf{C)} #3 & \textbf{D)} #4\\
\multicolumn{2}{@{}|c|}{\textbf{E)} #5}

and output,

enter image description here

But that I want,

enter image description here

Is this possible automatic for all answers? That is, B) and D) choices will (right) slide according to word. But, considering long word.

1 Answer 1


Perhaps you can try the following:

enter image description here

\usepackage[a5paper]{geometry}% Just for this example

    \textbf{A)} #1 & \textbf{B)} #2 \\
    \textbf{C)} #3 & \textbf{D)} #4 \\
   \multicolumn{2}{|p{\dimexpr\linewidth-2\tabcolsep-2\arrayrulewidth}|}{\centering\textbf{E)} #5}


  \item Is this question wrong?

  \multiplechoices{THE END}{END}{GAME OVER}{FINISH}{STOP}


The last column is set using l, meaning the first X-column will stretch up to it, yet the entire table will fill the \linewidth. The last row is centered based on a fixed-width p-column that also fits \linewidth.

  • @ Werner, perfect working in all choices.
    – Özgür
    Jan 15, 2015 at 1:19

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