I'd like to create a graph like this in LaTeX:

enter image description here

I already tried with pst-all but I've no clue how to do this. So I hope you can help me. PD: I already searched about this in this page and I didn't find anything that could help me.

  • Could you show us this "already tried with pst-all" method?
    – Werner
    May 20, 2015 at 21:52
  • I read this page (thelazymathematician.com/p/pstricks-examples.html) and I tried to do that graph, but I don't know how to plot a vector (only points) and I had some issues with the axis: I don't know how to make the axis look like the image. Where else could I read about this?
    – francolino
    May 20, 2015 at 21:56

5 Answers 5


You can try using pgfplots and tikz. It's quite easy.

The figure might look something like this.


\draw [<->] (0,4) node[left]{$ \text{Im} (z) $} -- (0,0) -- (4,0) node[below]{$ \text{Re} (z) $};
\draw [->] (0,0) -- (3,3)node[above right]{$ z+\beta $};
\draw [->] (0,0) -- (1,2)node[left]{$ \beta $};
\draw [dashed] (0,0) -- (2,1)node[right]{$ z $};
\draw [->] (2,1) -- (3,3);
\draw [dashed] (1,2) -- (3,3);


  • 3
    Nice, but in this example you don't actually need pgfplots.
    – Pier Paolo
    May 20, 2015 at 22:10
  • I'd say it would be better to create two \nodes or \coordinates for z and \beta and then use ($ (z) + (b) $) to automatically compute the third point. In this way if you want to change the orientation of the segments you can simply change z and b and the other point is computed automatically.
    – Bakuriu
    May 21, 2015 at 7:01

Here's a slightly different approach using TikZ that uses the vector arithmetic of the calc library to place some of the arrows.



  \coordinate (Q) at (0,0);
  \coordinate (RE) at (4,0);
  \coordinate (IM) at (0,4);

  %% axes
  \draw[arrows=->] (Q) -- (RE) node [pos=1,below] {$Re(z)$};
  \draw[arrows=->] (Q) -- (IM) node [pos=1,left]  {$Im(z)$};

  %% beta vector
  \coordinate (beta) at (1.5,2);
  \draw[arrows=->] (Q) -- (beta) node [pos=1,left] {$\beta$};

  %% z vector
  \coordinate (z) at (2.5,1); 
  \draw[dashed] (Q) -- (z) node[pos=1,right] {$z$};

  %% betaSUMz
  \coordinate (betaSUMz) at ($(beta)+($(z)-(Q)$)$);
  \draw[arrows=->] (Q) -- (betaSUMz);

  %% missing sides
  \draw[dashed] (beta) -- (betaSUMz);
  \draw         (z)    -- (betaSUMz);


enter image description here


With \pstricks (can be compiled under conditions with pdflatex):



$ begin{pspicture}
\psset{ticks=none, labels=none, arrowinset=0.2,arrows =c->, labelsep=3pt}
\psaxes{c->}(0,0)(5,5)[$\re (z)$,-90][$\im (z)$,180]
\uput[l](B){$\beta $}\uput[r](Z){$z$}\uput[ur](C){$z +\beta $}
\end{pspicture} $


enter image description here


Since you deal with vectors I suggest to use polar coordinate system instead Cartesian:


\begin{tikzpicture}[>={Straight Barb[]}]
\draw[very thin,<->]    (0,4) node[below left]    {$\Im(z)$} -- (0,0) --
                        (5,0) node[below left]   {$\Re(z)$};
\draw[->]   (0,0) -- (45:3) coordinate[label=left:$\beta$] (beta);
\draw[dashed,very thin,->]    (beta) -- ++ (15:2)
                            coordinate[label=right  :$\beta+z$] (sum);
\draw[dashed,->]   (0,0) -- (15:2) coordinate[label=right:$z$] (z);
\draw[very thin,->]    (z) -- (sum);
\draw[thick,->] (0,0) -- (sum);

In determining coordinates for end of vectors I use absolute coordinate for (beta) and relative for (sum). For labeling of vectors I use label in coordinate.

enter image description here

In MWE, when asking here for help, I usually use standalone document class and additional packages, which is necessary to draw images or write a text, table etc.

Edit: I adopt thy vector styles to OP images. If the you don't like the way as are signed real and imaginary axis, you can replace \Im(z) with ``\text{Im}(z)''.


With MetaPost:

input latexmp
setupLaTeXMP(textextlabel=enable, mode=rerun, packages="amsmath");
numeric u; u = .75cm;
pair beta, re, im; beta = (u, 3u); re = (5u, 0); im = (0, 5u);
  z = u*(3, 1.5); 
  for M = re, im, beta, z+beta: drawarrow origin -- M; endfor
  drawarrow z--z+beta;
  drawoptions(dashed evenly);
  draw origin--z;
  draw beta -- z+beta;
  label.rt("$\text{Re}(z)$", re); label.lft("$\text{Im}(z)$", im);
  label.lrt("$z$", z); label.lft("$\beta$", beta);
  label.rt("$z+\beta$", z+beta);

With the command line, you get the (PostScript) figure by using the mpost command

mpost myfigure.mp

To convert it in a PDF figure, apply the mptopdf utility upon the resulting PostScript file:

mptopdf myfigure.1

If you do not use the command line, please refer to how your own TeX editor can handle MetaPost programs.


enter image description here

Another, more direct way to get the PDF figure: insert the code in a LuaLaTeX program, and use the luamplib package, as below. (Same result.)

\usepackage{luamplib, amsmath}
     numeric u; u = .75cm;
     pair beta, re, im; beta = (u, 3u); re = (5u, 0); im = (0, 5u);
       z = u*(3, 1.5); 
       for M = re, im, beta, z+beta: drawarrow origin -- M; endfor
       drawarrow z--z+beta;
       drawoptions(dashed evenly);
       draw origin--z;
       draw beta -- z+beta;
       label.rt("$\text{Re}(z)$", re); label.lft("$\text{Im}(z)$", im);
       label.lrt("$z$", z); label.lft("$\beta$", beta);
       label.rt("$z+\beta$", z+beta);

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