
\newcommand{\nG}[3]{  \node[opacity = 0, text opacity = 1, minimum size = 10mm] at (#1, #2){#3}; }

\foreach \x in {1,...,#3}

\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\sffamily, scale=0.50, every node/.style={scale=1.00}]

\wrsg{0}{7}{25}{1482449257683314302317851}; //coord, coord, len of number, number


I have a macro for printing long numbers as separate digits, but I would like to multiply them before printing. Something like this:

\nG{\x-1}{#2}{\StrChar{#4}{\x} * 2};  

but this prints "num * 2" and not the actual multiplication. How can I do that?

  • 2
    Welcome to TeX.SX! Please make your code compilable (if possible), or at least complete it with \documentclass{...}, the required \usepackage's, \begin{document}, and \end{document}. That may seem tedious to you, but think of the extra work it represents for TeX.SX users willing to give you a hand. Help them help you: remove that one hurdle between you and a solution to your problem. Aug 24, 2015 at 20:08
  • sry..edited, should be ok now.
    – Martin877
    Aug 24, 2015 at 22:09

2 Answers 2


\StrChar of package xstring is not expandable and cannot be used in calculations. But it provides an optional argument to store the result:


Then the number can be used in calculations, e.g.:

\pgfmathsetmacro\myresult{\mynum * 2}

Then, \myresult can be used in macro \nG.

In case of simple calculations with integers, \numexpr can also be used:

\the\numexpr\mynum * 2\relax

This is used in the following example. Also the third argument of \wrsg is replaced by the calculation of the length via \StrLen.


    opacity = 0,
    text opacity = 1,
    minimum size = 10mm,
  ] at ({#1}, {#2}) {#3};%

  \foreach \x in {1,...,\LenOfNumber}{%

    every node/.style={scale=1},
    \wrsg{0}{7}{1482449257683314302317851}; //coord, coord, len of number, number



I’m not sure if this is what you are after, but here is my try using expl3.


\NewDocumentCommand \nG { m m m }
  \node[opacity=0, text~opacity=1, minimum~size=10mm, anchor=base] at (#1, #2) {#3};

\NewDocumentCommand \writeSep { m m m }
  \martin_writesep:nnn { #1 } { #2 } { #3 }

\cs_new_protected:Npn \martin_writesep:nnn #1#2#3
  \seq_set_split:Nnn \l_tmpa_seq { } { #3 }
  \int_step_variable:nnnNn { 1 } { 1 } { #2 } \l_martin_int_tl
    \seq_pop_left:NN \l_tmpa_seq \l_tmpa_tl
    \quark_if_no_value:NF \l_tmpa_tl
      \nG { \fp_eval:n { \l_martin_int_tl - 1 } } { #1 } { \fp_eval:n { \l_tmpa_tl * 2 } }

\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\sffamily, scale=0.50, every node/.style={scale=1.00}]
  \writeSep{7}{25}{1482449257683314302317851}; % coord, len of number, number

enter image description here

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