Is it possible to have a smaller plot embedded into one of the plots of a groupplot? Similar to a magnified region of the plot at the top corner, which is part of a group of other plots in the groupplot environment.I know its possible to do it in a regular axis environment, but how about the groupplot environment. Thanks.

group style={
group size=2 by 2,
horizontal sep=40pt,
vertical sep=40pt
xtick pos=left,
ytick pos=left,
no marks,
legend style={font=\tiny},
legend pos=south east,
legend columns=2

\nextgroupplot[title=\textbf{(\romannumeral2)} in 5 \si{\milli\molar} buffer]
\addplot table [col sep=comma, x=nm, y=0] {./figures/ST041-1 CoPor 24 LG deriv.csv};
\addlegendentry{0 \si{\micro\molar}};
\addplot table [col sep=comma, x=nm, y=2.3] {./figures/ST041-1 CoPor 24 LG deriv.csv};
\addlegendentry{2.3 \si{\micro\molar}};
\addplot table [col sep=comma, x=nm, y=3.5] {./figures/ST041-1 CoPor 24 LG deriv.csv};
\addlegendentry{3.5 \si{\micro\molar}};
\addplot table [col sep=comma, x=nm, y=5.2] {./figures/ST041-1 CoPor 24 LG deriv.csv};
\addlegendentry{5.2 \si{\micro\molar}};
\addplot [only marks, mark=o] table [col sep=comma, x=Lo, y=A2] {./Appendix/new micromath fit/ST039 long IMD 5 mM deriv.csv}; \label{raw}
\addplot [no marks, smooth] table [col sep=comma, x=Lo, y=A2Calc] {./Appendix/new micromath fit/ST039 long IMD 5 mM deriv.csv};  \label{fit}


1 Answer 1


You can use at= key and do

\begin{axis}[at={(group c1r1.north west)},anchor=north west,width=3cm,xtick=\empty,ytick=\empty]
\addplot+[olive] coordinates {(0,1) (1,0)};

Full sample code:

  \begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=4pt,shorten <=4pt]
\begin{groupplot}[group style={group size=2 by 2},
\addplot coordinates {(1,0) (1.15,1)};
\addplot coordinates {(0,1) (1,0)};
\addplot coordinates {(0,1) (1,0)};
\addplot coordinates {(0,1) (1,0)};
\begin{axis}[at={(group c1r1.north west)},anchor=north west,width=3cm,xtick=\empty,ytick=\empty]
\addplot+[olive] coordinates {(0,1) (1,0)};


enter image description here

  • I wish to use this post to ask what group c1r1.north west means. I need to nest a groupplot inside another groupplot, similar to a magnified region as the first post explains. But when I try to compile the solution provided, I get the following error: Package pgf: No shape named group c1r1' is known. I have checked the MWE, and the group c1r1 doesn't appear anywhere else. So, what should I try?
    – Catarella
    Jun 26, 2021 at 11:04

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