I want to align a table created with pgfplotstable to the top in an enumerate environment, but instead it's aligned to the center. How can I fix this? I'm looking for something like the [t] option for tabular.




Frequency None Carpet Polystyrene Foam gibboard
180       560  322    47.2        428  41.2
950       58.4 45.6   42.8        55.2 48.4
2200      48.4 43.2   44          60   50.8

  \item \pgfplotstabletypeset [columns/gibboard/.style={column name=Gib board}] {data.txt}

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


The tabular environment is contained in a begin table pgfkey and is initially \begin{tabular} (see current manual of pgfplotstable package, v. 1.12.1, as of (2015/05/02))

If the table should be top-aligned, say begin table={\begin{tabular}[t]} as an option to the \pgfplotstabletypeset command.



Frequency None Carpet Polystyrene Foam gibboard
180       560  322    47.2        428  41.2
950       58.4 45.6   42.8        55.2 48.4
2200      48.4 43.2   44          60   50.8

  \item \pgfplotstabletypeset [begin table={\begin{tabular}[t]},columns/gibboard/.style={column name=Gib board}] {data.txt}

enter image description here

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