My file is named 'cv3.01.tex'. I want to extract the '3.01' part and use it in the footer of the document, i.e. 'Rev 3.01'.

I found Parsing file name into document, but it does not work for my filename structure.

Here is my code based on the above:


  \gdef\fileRev{#1}% first part


    Rev. \fileRev

Of course, \fileRev is 'cv3.01' because I don't know how to parse that out. Using this in the above:


does not work.

  • 2
    It is probably wiser for many reasons to have your CV under version control (everyone seems to like git nowadays), and then access the version that way (say with gitinfo2).
    – jon
    Oct 10, 2015 at 17:30
  • Try \def\filename@parse@ cv#1\@nil{% Oct 10, 2015 at 17:53

2 Answers 2


It's the usual problem that \jobname expands to characters with category code 12; but you just have to gobble two tokens.




This document is Rev~\revision.


enter image description here

A customizable solution allowing for any prefix:


  % customize based on the file name structure
  cv% <---- change the characters before %


This document is Rev~\revision.


Detokenizing is necessary because the characters produced by \jobname have category code 12.


Not very elegant:


\edef\filerev{\expandafter\stripfirst\jobname}%remove c
\edef\filerev{Rev \expandafter\stripfirst\filerev}%remove v


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