I have made a command

 \textbf{#1} \\ #2

I use it with \mysec{A}{B}.

But sometimes I also want a third parameter. I could make a whole new command for those situations where I need 3 parameters. But I thought if I could handle it with an optional parameter in my original command?

So I have to check if the third parameter is set and how to print if it is set.

  • If you are trying to make up your own sectioning commands, this is the worst way. What should the third argument do?
    – egreg
    Nov 22, 2015 at 11:26

3 Answers 3


Optional parameters are in [] not {} and if using \newcommand always come first.


 \textbf{#2} \\ #3 #1%




  • Thanks. How do I check if it's empty? I have tried \ifx#1\empty\else\MakeUppercase{#1}\fi
    – Jamgreen
    Nov 22, 2015 at 12:01
  • 2
    @Jamgreen Lots of ways, there are questions on site about that:-) your suggestion tests \empty and \else if #1 is empty, i would use \ifx\relax#1\relax which is true if #1 is empty as then \relax tests equal to \relax, if you need to protect against #1 being \relax you need a bit more complicated, but normally you don't... Nov 22, 2015 at 12:03
  • @Jamgreen note however if this is a section heading, better to use the section heading commands, just using \\ allows page breaks after the heading and misses all the other features latex normally takes care of. Nov 22, 2015 at 12:06

I suggest to use xparse and \RenewDocumentCommand with provides easier ways to define macros with optional arguments

The argument specification somo says to use a starred (#1), optional (#2), mandatory (#3) and a final optional argument (#4), if needed.

Redefining the sectioning commands should be done with care since they provide a starred variant which is used for example in \tableofcontents as a 'heading'

Instead of \@ifnextchar[ it's necessary to use \IfValueTF{#2}{true}{#4} to ask whether the optional argument #2 was used or not.



      \textcolor{red}{You used the starred version and the 4th optional argument: }\textcolor{violet}{#4}%
%      \textcolor{blue}{You used the starred version but omitted the 4th one}%
        \textcolor{red}{You used the optional 2nd and 4th. arguments: }\textcolor{violet}{#4}%
        \textcolor{blue}{You used the optional 2nd argument but omitted the optional 4th one}%
        \textcolor{red}{You used the optional 4th. argument: }\textcolor{violet}{#4}%
        \textcolor{blue}{You omitted the optional argument}


\section*{Starred section}[With an optional argument]
\section{A section}
\section[Another section]{Another section with useless long title}
\section[Another section]{Another section with useless long title}[And again with an optional argument]
\section{A section}[With optional arg]


If you really want the last be optional then use the TeX level for the new command:

 \textbf{#1} \\ #2 
 \ifx\relax#3\relax \else \\ #3 \fi}% or whatever you want to do with #3



  • Thanks! But to me it's not important which argument is optional
    – Jamgreen
    Nov 22, 2015 at 12:01
  • then use the solution from David with my \ifx ...
    – user2478
    Nov 22, 2015 at 12:14
  • @Jamgreen: And which argument do you want to be optional?
    – Werner
    Nov 22, 2015 at 12:28

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