I've been looking for hours and I still can't find a suitable solution. My problem is, I have a tex file which I must compile with pdflatex and it uses pstricks, so I use epstopdf and stuff. The issue comes from the fact that I have the main file (called libro.tex) in a folder and the input files are in a subfolder. I configured correctly the TEXINPUTS variable, so I don't have problems with it.

The problem arises from epstopdf: the external program can't find the input files in the subfolder. I did some research and I included


where libro-algebra-lineal is the subfolder, thinking that maybe then it would find the input files. I have this output:

entering extended mode
epstopdf ($Id: epstopdf.pl 36129 2015-01-24 00:30:11Z karl $) 2.23
!!! Error: Cannot open y=-1y1_k=1.eps: No such file or directory

And it's repeated for every pstrick figure. I configure my options via latexmk and GNU make, and I can't find any useful option for epstopdf program or Ghostscript.

Notes: - My configuration of pdflatex is, inside my own latexmkrc,

$pdflatex = "TEXINPUTS=.:libro-algebra-lineal//:$TEXINPUTS pdflatex --shell-escape -interaction=batchmode %O %S";
  • I can't move the input files from the subfolder, since that's a shared folder.
  • I tried the latex, dvips, ps2pdf cycle, but since the document has png pictures as well, ps2pdf didn't work :c



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