I'm writing a table on latex, this is the code that I used.

Lalalal                                        & Papapa        \\ \hline
$\p{6^2,m} \hspace{0.3cm} \T{for,} m=2,3,4,6$. & $\p{0;4,4,6}$ \\ \hline
$x^2= graham$                                  & $1+1$         \\ \hline

And this is how it looksenter image description here

My problem is simple: The super indices like $6^2$ intersects the horizontal lines of the table and I don't like it. Anyone has some solution? Maybe amplifying the vertical size or something like that. Thanks

  • The macros of package booktabs can style-up your table and make it more pretty. :-)
    – Johannes_B
    Jul 22, 2016 at 5:59
  • Do you know exactly what macro do I need?
    – Miguel
    Jul 22, 2016 at 6:04
  • What are the \T and \p commands supposed to do?
    – Bernard
    Jul 22, 2016 at 9:31

2 Answers 2


I would like to answer you question using the following MWE:




Lalalal                                        & Papapa        \\[3pt] \hline
$\p{6^2,m} \hspace{0.3cm} \T{for, } m=2,3,4,6$. & $\p{0;4,4,6}$ \\[3pt] \hline
$x^2= graham$                                  & $1+1$         \\[3pt] \hline

Lalalal                                        & Papapa        \\ \hline
$\p{6^2,m} \hspace{0.3cm} \T{for, } m=2,3,4,6$. & $\p{0;4,4,6}$ \\ \hline
$x^2= graham$                                  & $1+1$         \\ \hline

In the first table, I have added \extrarowheight to add vertical space above the content and used \\[3pt] at end of every row to add vertical space below the row. See the difference in both tables below.

enter image description here


With package makecell and its macros \setcellgapes{...} and \makegapedcells you can obtain:


\thead[l]{Lalalal}          &   \thead[l]{Papapa}\\ 
$\left(6^2,m\right)$  for $m=2,3,4,6$.   
                            &   $(0;4,4,6)$     \\
$x^2  = \mathit{graham}$    &   $1+1$           \\

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