Is there a way to automatically remove duplicates from the generated Nomenclature?

E.g. adding multiple times:

\nomenclature{HTML}{HyperText Markup Language}

in your TeX file should generate only one entry in the Nomenclature.

This minimal example shows what happens:

% This is test.tex

Some text \nomenclature{HTML}{HyperText Markup Language}


Some text \nomenclature{HTML}{HyperText Markup Language}


The nomenclature was generated with makeindex test.nlo -s nomencl.ist -o test.nls and here is the test.nls:



  \item [{HTML}]\begingroup HyperText Markup Language\nomeqref {0}
  \item [{HTML}]\begingroup HyperText Markup Language\nomeqref {1.0}


Problem comes with lines at test.nlo are not identical:

\nomenclatureentry{aHTML@[{HTML}]\begingroup HyperText Markup Language\nomeqref {0}|nompageref}{1}
\nomenclatureentry{aHTML@[{HTML}]\begingroup HyperText Markup Language\nomeqref {1.0}|nompageref}{3}

In my real tex \nomeqref's content is \relax x.x for duplicate entries.

  • I tried to use uniq command to .nls file but each entry is not a single line but 2 lines.
    – juanmah
    Oct 27, 2011 at 14:28
  • 2
    You are misusing the nomencl package, which is made for unique entries. You probably should be using either acronym or the more general glossaries package.
    – egreg
    Dec 22, 2011 at 13:33
  • You're perfectly right @egreg, acronym package fits exactly what I need. Thanks!
    – juanmah
    Dec 23, 2011 at 10:15

4 Answers 4


The nomencl package has a different purpose than what you're using it for.

The package's purpose is to write a list of symbols or abbreviation used, with a reference to the place where they're defined or first used (at the user's choice). So it's not meant to place multiple reference to a nomenclature.

For acronyms the best package around is glossaries, but the simpler acronym is often used.


I may have missed something but with the following code I get only one entry in the nomenclature.

% This is test.tex
Some text \nomenclature{HTML}{HyperText Markup Language}


Some text \nomenclature{HTML}{HyperText Markup Language}



The nomenclature was generated with makeindex test.nlo -s nomencl.ist -o test.nls and here is the test.nls.



  \item [{HTML}]\begingroup HyperText Markup Language\nomeqref {0}
        \nompageref{1, 2}

  • I edited the question because I couldn't show here commented the minimal example that generate multiple entries.
    – juanmah
    Dec 22, 2011 at 12:06

This is a manual and not elegant post-editing workaround to test.nlo

In command line do:

cat test.nlo | sort | uniq -w 49 > test.nlo

and then:

makeindex test.nlo -s nomencl.ist -o test.nls

uniq -w parameter is 49 because is the width of the shortest nomenclature before differences in nomeqref \nomenclatureentry{a@[{}]\begingroup \nomeqref { and can handle up to 30 characters in nomenclatures.

  • It could be shorter: cat test.nlo | sort | uniq -w 49 | makeindex -i -s nomencl.ist -o test.nls
    – juanmah
    Dec 22, 2011 at 12:37

This is a manual and not elegant post-editing workaround to test.nls

In kile/kate editor do replace whole text with the following regular expression:

Find:    (.*\[\{)(.*)\}\].*\n.*\n.*\[\{\2\}\]
Replace: \1\2\}\]

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