I want to write the headings in \scshape family with the first character of each word in uppercase.

How can I do this?

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    – Werner
    Feb 21, 2012 at 15:21

3 Answers 3


The new titlecaps package can do this. It's so new, in fact, it doesn't show up yet in a CTAN search, but can nonetheless be found there at http://www.ctan.org/pkg/titlecaps

\parindent 0em

\titlecap{\scshape this is a (test) of \LARGE titlecaps \normalsize on

But if I don't like words like is of on and a being titled, I use
\verb|\Addlcwords| and try again:

\Addlcwords{is of on a}
\titlecap{\scshape this is a (test) of \LARGE titlecaps \normalsize on


enter image description here


You can change the font of all headings using sectsty. Many fonts (including Computer Modern) don't have bold small caps, so you have to specify normal weight:


\section{A Section Header}

It's best to capitalize the headers manually. But if you really need an automatic solution, try this:


% and so on

\section{a section header}

@rdhs's first example can also be done with titlesec. It comes with the same caveat that bold small caps can not be used. In fact, adding \bfseries in the <format> section will clobber \scshape.


\section{A Section Header}

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