Two things I understand and one thing I don't:

I often use \csname to create user-defined tokens. For instance, the following code uses \expandafter to expand everything between \csname and \endcsname before \gdefing the result:

  \expandafter\gdef\csname #1\endcsname{Here is #1 printed.}%

\mycommand{abc} % Creates a macro \abc
Demonstration: \abc % Prints Demonstration: Here is abc printed.

I wanted to do something similar by using \mycommand{abc} to create a macro \Abc (note the capital letter). Unfortunately, \uppercase cannot be used inside \csname. (I'm guessing some parts expand to TeX primitives?) But I found a somewhat related answer from Heiko Oberdiek (http://newsgroups.derkeiler.com/Archive/Comp/comp.text.tex/2006-02/msg01220.html) and created the following, which I don't entirely understand.

It should create a new uppercase token, and I think it is working, since I can then \let it to another macro and it does not error.

  \uppercase\expandafter{\expandafter\csname #1}\endcsname% Creates token 
\def\temp{if it worked}
\let\Abc\temp% Now \Abc expands to something other than \relax

\mycommand{abc}% Creates \Abc
This lets you see \Abc.% Prints This lets you see if it worked.

So my question is: how can I create an uppercase token and define the expansion at the same time? (Basically, I want to combine both of the above approaches.) Here are two ways I have tried (both return Error: extra \endcsname).

  \expandafter\gdef%   I think this tries to do \gdef\uppercase = bad 
  \uppercase\expandafter{\expandafter\csname #1}\endcsname{the macro #1 expanded}%  
Use \Abc. % Should print Use the macro abc expanded.


  \uppercase\expandafter{\expandafter\csname #1}\endcsname}{the macro #1 expanded}% 
Use \Abc. % Should print Use the macro abc expanded.

4 Answers 4


You have to isolate the first token in #1 from the rest and uppercase it; the fact that \uppercase doesn't expand anything and puts back the token list into the input stream after its operation can be exploited in the following way:

  \uppercase{\expandafter\gdef\csname #1}#2\endcsname{the macro #1#2 expanded}%

Of course an empty argument to \mycommand will result in an error.

If you want to provide a definition, say

\mycommand{abc}{Something else}

to be equivalent to \def\Abc{Something else}, just leave out the tokens after \endcsname

  \uppercase{\expandafter\gdef\csname #1}#2\endcsname
\mycommand{abc}{Something else}

The command \uppercase is a bit stranger than other TeX primitives. Indeed the <general text> it requires as argument first does a travel down TeX's stomach to be "regurgitated" after each character token has been transformed using the \uccode vector: if a character has positive \uccode, TeX will transform it into that character (the category code is unchanged). So, for instance, TeX is setup so that \uccode`a=`A and so an a becomes an A after regurgitation. Non character token are left unchanged and no expansion is performed.

Here's the working in slow motion (first version).

  1. \mycommand{abc}
    Here #1 is abc

  2. \mycommandaux abc\relax
    Here #1 is a and #2 is bc (argument #2 is delimited by \relax, while #1 is undelimited, so the only first token is grabbed)

  3. \uppercase{\expandafter\gdef\csname a}bc\endcsname {the macro abc expanded}
    Tex executes the \uppercase and puts back

    \expandafter\gdef\csname A

    in the input stream.

  4. \expandafter\gdef\csname Abc\endcsname{the macro abc expanded}

  5. \gdef\Abc{the macro abc expanded}

Et voilà.

A variant with \newcommand instead of \gdef, that makes it easy to define macros with arguments:

  \uppercase{\expandafter\newcommand\csname #1}#2\endcsname
\mycommand{abc}{Something else}

\mycommand{uvw}[1]{Something else with #1}

With \gdef the standard parameter text should be used.

  \uppercase{\expandafter\gdef\csname #1}#2\endcsname
\mycommand{abc}{Something else}

\mycommand{uvw}#1{Something else with #1}
  • Thank you. I adapted this to the (more complicated) problem at home and it works beautifully. Voting as answer simply because it has syntax close to what I was using before, so I can follow it. Clearly \uppercase has behavior far different than what I expected. May 27, 2012 at 23:16
  • That was my first idea, too, but somehow I turned it more complicated while implementing it ;-) You shouldn't code TeX while correcting your PhD thesis ;-) May 27, 2012 at 23:38
  • Mmh, I like it but.. what if I need \Abc to take arguments? I cannot write \endcsname#1 because #1 has another meaning here :\
    – iago-lito
    Mar 26, 2017 at 20:56
  • This gets me an Illegal parameter number in definition of \mycommandaux. (I have to say that I am doing this from inside a \newcommand, so that my base level already is ##1 and I am shifting to ###1)..
    – iago-lito
    Mar 26, 2017 at 21:09
  • @iago-lito You have to use #1 at definition time. I added the variants.
    – egreg
    Mar 26, 2017 at 21:09

The problem is that \uppercase is not expandable. You can't use it with \expandafter. I would expand the argument first, as good measure, then read the first letter using a second, internal macro, then use \uppercase to change that letter. Finally a second internal macro reads the new uppercase letter and the rest of the name and makes the definition. The original name can also be passed as a third argument if required:

    \global\@namedef{#1#2}{the macro #3 expanded}%%
  • Wow, this is entirely too clever for me! So in pseudo-code: the first part ends up executing \@mycommand abc\@nnil{abc} before the group closes. The second part uses \@mycommand to bite off the a and results in: \uppercase{\@@mycommand{a}}bc\@nnil{abc} How is it that \@@mycommand does not mind the double }}? I don't understand what happens next. Does \uppercase do its thing, or does \@@mycommand? May 27, 2012 at 22:55
  • @Natalie: \uppercase is executed first, takes \@@mycommand{a} (because it's in {..} after it) and turns all tokens to their uppercase version. Macro are unchanged, afterwards it places the whole thing back, i.e. \@@mycommand{A} is placed before bc\@nnil{abc}, then \@@mycommand reads the {A} as first argument and everything to the next \@nnil as second. The {abc} afterwards is taken as third argument. May 27, 2012 at 23:36
  • Very neat! Thanks for the explanation. Using the fact that \uppercase doesn't expand or change macros is a good trick. May 28, 2012 at 1:49

This is a good example of why LuaTeX is useful.


  function commands.defineuppercase(s)
      local upper = string.gsub(s, "^%l", string.upper)



I am using ConTeXt MkIV, but the code can be easily translated to LaTeX as well.


You can also do this with the xstring package. So after defining \mycommand{abc}, and \mycommand{dbc}, you can use \Abc, and \Def to get:

enter image description here


  • The code below is not complete in that it only converts the letters a,...,f to A,...,F, but extending it should not be too difficult.



    % ... complete this ...
    \expandafter\gdef\csname \newMacroName\endcsname{Here is #1 printed.}%

\mycommand{abc} % Creates a macro \Abc
Demonstration: \Abc % Prints Demonstration: Here is abc printed.

\mycommand{dbc} % Creates a macro \Dbc
Demonstration: \Dbc % Prints Demonstration: Here is abc printed.

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