I am using the columns environment in Beamer-documents like this:


I am getting tired of having to change the width of the second column each time I adjust the first one.

Basically I am searching for a columns environment where the column-width-argument is optional - if you don't specify it is computed like this:

 max(0, (complete_width - sum_of_explicitly_specified_width) / number_of_implicit_cols)

How can setup something like this with LaTeX?

  • A system that works like tabularx would be nice, where you have a “virtual”, unspecified length x so that one can define column lengths by means of x. E. g. first column 1x and second column 2x gives a 1st column with length 1/3\linewidth-columngap/2 and a second with 2/3\linewidth-columngap/2. Unfortunately I can't provide such a solution ...
    – Chris
    Oct 29, 2012 at 16:48

1 Answer 1


For two columns this is fairly straight forward. Define a length to hold the first column's width and use this length in a calculation of the second column:

% In preamble (to separate structure from contents)

% In document/frame
  • 3
    I believe columns adds some separation between the columns; this is not taken into account here. Also, shouldn’t it be subtracted from \linewidth? Apr 13, 2016 at 8:42

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