I have included a watermark (using \usepackage{draftwatermark}) for draft copies of my document, several pages of which are inserted from a PDF. The watermark behaves just fine on most pages - the watermark is obscured by text and inline images, as expected/desired - but on the inserted PDF, the watermark obscures the data.

Is this just due to how Latex inserts PDFs? Is there a way to make the inserted PDF show above the draftwatermark?


2 Answers 2


I achieved this by replacing this:


With this:

                    \color[gray]{.93}\normalfont DRAFT}}}}}

Which I found on a forum post.

Now the words "DRAFT" appear behind the text in inserted PDF pages, so you can properly read the text of the inserted PDF.

  • 1
    Do not forget the \usepackage{eso-pic} where \AddToShipoutPicture is defined. Feb 25, 2020 at 18:33

I recommended to use pdftk for such things. If watermark.pdf is the watermark and mydocument.pdf is the (may be LaTeX generated) own document, you can can "watermark" it:

pdftk mydocument.pdf background watermark.pdf output mydocumentdraft.pdf

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