In Beamer, I can easily set the desired vertical space between items in an enumerated list with itemsep. But how do I set the vertical space between the line that introduces the enumerated list and the first item in this list? Ideally I would like it to be identical to the space between the items in the list. In the MWE below, I want more space after the itemized line "Here are two interesting things:"


            \item Here are two interesting things:
            \begin{enumerate} \itemsep2ex
                \item This is number one.
                \item And this is number two.

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


Simply setting \topsep as is usual does not work in the beamer case. Instead you can redefine \@listii as follows:

Sample outptu


              \topsep    2ex
              \parsep    0\p@   \@plus\p@
              \itemsep   \parsep}

            \item Here are two interesting things:
            \begin{enumerate} \itemsep2ex
                \item This is number one.
                \item And this is number two.

See the file beamerbaselocalstructure.sty where you will find the formatting variables \@listi, \@listii and \@listiii for formatting of lists at depths one, two and three, respectively.

You can define macro that will set \topsep, \itemsep to the same value (#2) for lists of a given level as in the example below. This is particularly useful you want to scope the change of definition for just a single frame.


@list\romannumeral\@ld \endcsname{\leftmargin\csname
leftmargin\romannumeral\@ld \endcsname
              \topsep    #2
              \parsep    0\p@   \@plus\p@
              \itemsep   #2}}

  \item Here are two interesting things:
    \item This is number one.
    \item And this is number two.
  \item Here are no interesting things.
  \item Here are two interesting things:
    \item This is number one.
    \item And this is number two.

  \item Here are two interesting things:
    \item This is number one.
    \item And this is number two.
  \item Here are no interesting things.
  \item Here are two interesting things.
    \item This is number one.
    \item And this is number two.

  \item Here are two interesting things:
    \item This is number one.
    \item And this is number two.



Sample output

  • One problem here is that I want some flexibility with respect to what the distance is. On another slide, for example, I might want the distance to be 1ex.
    – Sverre
    Dec 16, 2012 at 19:26
  • 1
    You can put the code from my preamble just before the frame and enclose everything in a \bgroup / \egroup pair. Then it is just that frame that is affected. Dec 16, 2012 at 19:29

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