I have a slide with a figure in it. I want show a vertically and horizontally centered (relative to the image if possible) text box overtop of it as an overlay which will contain a few lines of text.

alt text




        Functional analysis


2 Answers 2


Basically, the same solution as in your last question works: just put the image inside a TikZ node and you can position anything on top of it wherever you want.



    \frametitle{\emph{Mycena interrupta}} 

        Known as the Pixies' parasol.

            \node[anchor=south west,inner sep=0] (image) at (0,0) {\includegraphics[width=1\textheight]{some_image.jpg}};
            \node[align=center,red,font={\Huge\bfseries}] at (image.center) {Do NOT eat\\these!};


(Actually, I have no idea whether they are dangerous; the Wikipedia article is rather short and I don't know anything about mushrooms ­­­­— this was just the first nice picture I found on Wikimedia Commons.)

Image attribution: Wikimedia Commons, JJ Harrison.

  • How could I add a caption? Also with a simple node?
    – ikreb
    Sep 20, 2023 at 8:37

I use the casper image just for a trivial purpose.

alt text






        Functional analysis

        {\fbox{\parbox{6cm}{\color{red}\Huge\bf\centering la la la la la! Casper the friendly ghost}}}      


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