Questions tagged [beamerposter]

{beamerposter} is about creating posters using (La)TeX and the BeamerPoster package

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Customize beamerposter alertblocks

I am writing a poster using the beamerposterpackage, and I'm using a template that a friend of mine gave me. In his template, the following code alters the default block template: \setbeamertemplate{...
yohbs's user avatar
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Line spacing in title of Beamer poster [duplicate]

I am trying to make the line spacing bigger in the title of a Beamer poster but the second argument of fontsize is not working. This question seems to be the same as mine (although not for Beamer ...
Tendero's user avatar
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Drawing a frame for a block including the title text

Using tcolorbox, in a beamer with beamerposterpackage, I need to create a new boxedblock environment. \begin{boxedblock}{Motivation & Contributions} \end{boxedblock} Expected result: MWE \...
anis's user avatar
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Beamer, beamerposter, blocks, and multicols

I'm trying to use Beamer (also Beamerposter) with multicols. But unfortunately, when I insert a block, the block spans the full width of the page rather than just the column that it's in. Compare this ...
Joe's user avatar
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What happens inside beamerposter and theorem environment

If I compile \documentclass{beamer} %\usepackage[scale=4]{beamerposter} \makeatletter \setbeamertemplate{theorem begin} { {\color{blue}\inserttheoremheadfont% \bfseries \inserttheoremname \ifx\...
Mikhail  Ivanov's user avatar
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LaTeX Error: File `beamerthemeconfposter.sty' not found

I am very new to using Beamer to make posters. I am trying to use the confposter theme but even though beamerthemeconfposter.sty is in the same directory as the tex file I am using to generate the ...
Innocuous Rift's user avatar
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pstricks can't draw past a4 size on a beamerposter

I'm making a poster using beamerposter; I would like to use pstricks to draw some figures on this poster. However, when I try to draw anything past about 2/3s of the poster width, nothing appears. ...
Jigsaw's user avatar
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option "final" in beamerposter

What is the role of "final" in \documentclass[final]{beamer} \usepackage[size=a0,orientation=portrait]{beamerposter} ? It seems nothing changes when I remove it. Thank you.
Vlad's user avatar
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How to put a black background and white letters in a poster?

I'm using a Jacobs Landscape Poster. While I'm working on the poster, I would like to transform the white background into black, and the black letters into white. In a normal tex document, I would ...
An old man in the sea.'s user avatar
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Section titles for documentclass beamer

I am using the template available here to make a poster. Using section in the document doesn't display the section titles, \section*{Equation 2:} \subsection*{Number = 2} \begin{equation*} X = CS =...
Natasha's user avatar
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Cannot change image size, it doesn't appear in the source code

I downloaded a poster template from this link (got the .zip). While working with TeXmaker, I would like to change the logo image. As far as I see, the original logo is accessed by: \graphicspath{{...
Ignacio's user avatar
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Explicit way to define fonts in the document

I have been trying to set up a poster using beamer. My problem is that the poster has very clear specifications: 24-point for paragraphs, 24-point for figure captions, 28-point for authors' names and ...
TomCho's user avatar
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In beamerposter, how to have a left-aligned figure + caption on right side within a block, without having to use \frame?

Here is the best example I have so far, but it is still unsatisfactory because the caption is not RIGHT NEXT to the image, and the image is in an odd spot, when I want it to be on the left side. Some ...
Nisbah Mumtaz's user avatar
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tikz in poster with form beamer

With the template I want to make a diagram in introduction. I used the package 'tikz-cd' so I add this package, but then I get a error ...
twinkling star's user avatar
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colored columns with colored titles in beamer class

I'm trying to create a 2-column poster using the beamer documentclass. Each column is to be split into several blocks and each of these blocks has its own title. The titles should have a background ...
OD IUM's user avatar
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Conversion from Beamer Presentation (Slides) to Beamer Poster

How can I easily and "safely" convert my Beamer presentation (slides) to an elegant Beamer poster like the following?: Slides wanting to convert. (Question not the same as this: Is it possible to ...
Julian Rachman's user avatar
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Rescaling column widths in beamerposter package

I'm trying to make a poster with three columns. The left-most and right-most columns should be the same width, and the middle column should be wider than the other two. The poster should be 44 x 36 in....
Sarafina Nance's user avatar
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LaTeX Error: File `beamerthemecpbgposter.sty' not found

I am new here... Trying to work on a beamerposter, I am getting the error: ! LaTeX Error: File `beamerthemecpbgposter.sty' not found. While using this template from here:
mico's user avatar
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Beamerposter heading

I have awfully lot of troubles trying to make just a simple centered heading using beamerposter package. I am totally lost. Could you please provide any minimal working example? Of course, I've been ...
Victor Pira's user avatar
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Aligning The Title, Autor, and Date in the header of a Beamer Poster

I am using the beamer package and I have a title set at the top of the page, but I want to left align the title. So far I have this for the title portion: \documentclass[final]{beamer} \usepackage[...
Nate's user avatar
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How to include security classification in Beamer Gemini template in headline

I would like to add the security classification (e.g., classified, unclassified, etc.) in the top right of the headline in the Gemini beamerposter theme available here:
drl's user avatar
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Beamer Poster Gemini - How to left align? [closed]

How can I align on the left position the header (title, institution etc) of this beamer poster? I want to add only one logo on the right, so it would be better if the header were left-aligned. The ...
Jhordan Santiago's user avatar
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IPA, Doulos SIL, footnotesize and beamerposter

beamerposter allows to generate PDF files, that can be used on a device like the iPad. Unfortunately when using footnotes in a frame, beamerposter inserts an empty page, since the footnotesize font is ...
Uwe Brauer's user avatar
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beamerposter and footnotes: an empty page is inserted [duplicate]

I already asked this on but the project seems a bit deserted. Be it as it may, please consider \documentclass[presentation]{beamer} \usepackage[...
Uwe Brauer's user avatar
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allowframebreaks in Beamer theme

I've build a Beamer theme a while ago. After some time of use I noticed that if the text is to long the frame will not display the remaining text on another frame. To fix that a new frame title was ...
Kevin742's user avatar
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References don't show up on beamer poster package [duplicate]

I had generated a beamer poster in portrait mode and was able to generate references as expected. Due to conference requirements, I edited the poster to be in landscape mode but I am unable to ...
Naren's user avatar
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Multiline \institute has no spacing in Beamerposter footline [duplicate]

I've implemented a custom theme to provide institute information in the footline of my poster. It works fine in practice, but the spacing between lines is way off if the lines don't include characters ...
Felix's user avatar
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Fibeamer mathserif option

I'm using the fibeamer package ( with fonts option, but this makes the math equations sans-serif. I would like to have my equations as in usual math articles (serif). ...
smalldog's user avatar
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Footnote text in footline of beamer poster

I'm creating a poster template using this template I have ...
ElizaBeso000's user avatar
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How can I reduce the white space around the title and the author in beamer?

I am creating an academic poster in beamer, but there is way too much whitespace above the title and below the author sections. I added \vspace to my title command, but negative values simply cut off ...
Deez's user avatar
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How to wrap a beamerposter document in frame and columns

I'm trying to create a poster using beamerposter. When doing this, the entire document consists of a single frame and several columns. I would like to avoid having to do this: \begin{document} \...
Jigsaw's user avatar
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How to keep logos and text inbeetwen in a line?

I am creating my first poster in LateX. I am using the Gemini beamer theme (TY authors btw!) and wanted to add two logos - one to the right and other to the left, approximately to the middle of header....
sob3kx's user avatar
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Beamerposter problem: cannot find Runaway argument [closed]

I am trying to learn how to use beamerposter on share latex. I created a share latex file and I copied the contents of
user65526's user avatar
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Beamerposter and \setmainfont incompatibility

I made a presentation using beamer. In it I can change the font. I used: \usefonttheme{serif} % default family is serif And then I can freely alternate fonts in any place with, for example \...
user1420303's user avatar
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Hyphenation in beamerposter [duplicate]

I am preparing a poster presentation and due to historical reasons I am using beamerposter class for this. At some point I realized that the hyphenation in beamer is "switched off" because authors of ...
Misha's user avatar
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how to change a Jacobs Landscape poster in latex from size A0 to size A4?

I am using a beamer template to create a poster, but its in size A0 and I need it in A4 size. Can anyone tell me how to change it please?
Holly's user avatar
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How to fill the calendar from an excel file [closed]

I am creating a calendar with marked dates of influential personalities births and deaths with one sentence of description like "the death of mr. XY in YEAR". The "input" is an Excel file containing ...
Victor Pira's user avatar
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Multicol* in Beamer

I'm aware that you can't really use the starred version of multicol in Beamer due to the fact that Beamer typesets things in a box. However, is there another way to force multicol to not balance the ...
Zelador's user avatar
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Adding Footnotes to conference poster

I'm using the Jacobs Landscape poster template ( for a project poster. The requirement it that all references are given in footnotes. I ...
Sarah Byers's user avatar
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Title in beamerposter

Apparently beamerposter doesn't generate a title automatically, so one has to do it manually. However, the MWE below doesn't work! What is wrong? How can I make this poster design less painful? I just ...
Elliot Gorokhovsky's user avatar
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phantom command not working in beamer poster template [closed]

I am using the Jacobs Landscape beamer poster template, and want to simply add a little phantom space at the beginning of a line within a block, but whatever I have inside the {} prints. The block is ...
clareatlarge's user avatar
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Margins/Borders in the figure environment

I am designing a poster using the beamerposter package. Many of the blocks I have on this poster have, as to be expected, figures. My problem is that, in many cases, the figures are at the end of the ...
Lilith-Elina's user avatar
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How can I do this page? [closed]

I'm a teacher math and I will give to my students a sheet with a mathematical summary (resume). I'm thinking in this model, but with other matter. How can I do this page? Thank you.
Henfe's user avatar
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Small \sum character using beamerposter and lmodern [duplicate]

I'm using the beamerposter package but I have a problem with one equation: \begin{equation} P_\tau = pm_0 + \sum_{x=1}^{X} mr_{\tau,Lx} \cdot pm_{Lx} \end{equation} which appears like that: The ...
Maxime's user avatar
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what is the best package for making a math poster? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How to create posters using LaTeX I am going to make a poster. I find that there are several possibilities: e.g., beamerposter, a0poster, baposter. Does anyone know which is ...
Anand's user avatar
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Centering problem with beamerposter [closed]

I use beamerposter in order to do a poster and I have some trouble because the contents of the poster is not centered. I tried to do a minimal example. This is the tex file : \documentclass[final]{...
Ger's user avatar
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block with out title space in a specific position and certain length (Title box in a poster) [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Block with out title space in a specific position and certain length (for Title box in a poster) I am preparing a poster with beamer. In title box, there is a blue banner ...
Mahzabin's user avatar
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Fill vertical space in a beamerposter poster [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why does vfill not work inside a beamer column? I'm trying to tweak beamerposter examples to my needs. The one example I found fairly simply as a starting point on the one ...
Dror's user avatar
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Beamer template Warsaw— LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document} [closed]

I am using warsaw template in lyx. But I am getting error about Missing \begin{document}. This is the description of this error message \setbeamertemplate{section page}[default][colsep=-4bp,rounded=...
Ajeen Lew's user avatar
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Aspect ratio of main frame of beamer is not changing to 16:9 [closed]

I am new to beamer, and unfortunately, I am getting aspect ratio problem. I am working with beamer template warsaw by Till Tantau. It is working fine but I would like to use the landscape orientation. ...
Ajeen Lew's user avatar