Questions tagged [color]

{color} is about using color in (La)TeX documents. Popular packages are color and xcolor.

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6 votes
1 answer

Using \color inside a \parbox causes vertical displacement

When modifying my answer to this question I came across some odd behaviour. If \color{<color>} is used at the start of a top-aligned \parbox, then the entire box is moved downwards, like this: \...
Circumscribe's user avatar
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Equal Width monospace text with changing colors in the same line

I'm trying to create something like the following in Latex: I've tried to \usepackage{color} and put this: \ssmall\begin{ttfamily} \begin{center} \colorbox{yellow}{...
Doron Behar's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Same shading for the patches in the same plane (2)

I am trying to plot and shade a 3D figure using patch table with point meta as in question "Same shading for the patches in the same plane", but I am obtaining triangles in the same plane but with a ...
user1993416's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

What is the simplest, most canonical way to change the background color of quoted text?

There are many questions in this site on changing the background color of quoted text, but I am bewildered and disheartened by the huge proliferation of different ways to do this, each using a ...
kjo's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How to change the color of an equation? [duplicate]

\documentclass[10pt,landscape,a4paper,svgnames,x11names]{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[ngerman]{babel} \usepackage[utopia,sfscaled]{mathdesign} \usepackage{amsmath} \everymath{\...
Laura's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to adjust custom colormap for 3D shades based on degradation of a color tone

I have this figure: \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1] \begin{axis}[xmin=0,xmax=1,ymin=0,ymax=1,enlargelimits=false,xlabel=$a_1$,ylabel=$a_2$] \addplot [blue!80!black,fill=blue,fill opacity=0.4] ...
user1993416's user avatar
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1 answer

Color and pagebreaks with footnotes

My question is: is there a way to color text despite that text spilling over into the next page on the output PDF (and with a footnote at the bottom of the first page)? I am colour-coding an 80-page ...
Srdgh's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Insert pages of pdf in document

I a pdf file that contains the "first" page of each chapter, 26 in total, of a book I wrote. I use \includepdf[pages=1]{foo.pdf} for the cover and works fine. But, when I go the chapter 1 and use \...
Antonio Ortiz's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Insert pictures inside a color box spanning the whole page width

This question led to a new package: clrstrip this is a very noob asking, as I do not use any graphics in LaTeX usually... I want to put pictures inside a color box : something like that with a ...
Ratoune2008's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Create a macro for colored versions of "\cmark"

\cmark has been defined as follows \newcommand{\cmark}{\ding{51}} I am using the \textcolor{red}{\cmark} to show the red tick How do I make a macro for this?
Amarjit Dhillon's user avatar
3 votes
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Remove color transitions in header of LaTeX beamer Darmstadt theme

The Darmstadt theme of LaTeX's beamer class produces color transitions/shadings (?) in the header part, which I find not very nice in certain color combinations. Is there a way to produce clear cuts ...
Jonathan Old's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I overload siunitx command \SI to make it appear in color everywhere?

In my latex document, I have used units like: \SI{100}{\eV} I want to overload \SI such that it appears makes both arguments appear in color everywhere \SI is used?
wander95's user avatar
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5 votes
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Cayley graph of with generators emphasized by color

I am trying to make the Cayley graph of a free group of rank 2 in TikZ. The result I would like to obtain looks like this: but arrows are not required. I read Cayley Graph of Free Group in TikZ and ...
Student's user avatar
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1 answer

Put the first chapter letter in uppercase and change the color?

I want to change the look of my chapter: The first letter should be in UPPERCASE. The first letter should be in different color. Before and after the chapiter, I want some decoration: | My chapiter | ...
Le-Dragon-Dev's user avatar
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package clash between auto-pst-pdf and trimspaces

The code below is an MWE illustrating a clash between the auto-pst-pdf and trimspaces packages. Code is a bit complicated because of the various things I want to do, but I've stripped all of ...
Leo Simon's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

pgfplots: how to use "index of colormap" to specify a color?

The MWE below uses the pgfplots function index of colormap to specify the color of a drawn path. However if I uncomment the second \draw command which explicitly uses the color= key, I get Package ...
LazyFox's user avatar
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3 answers

Cell color problem

I have a problem that I can not color all the box \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{cfr-lm} % instead of the "[cyr]{...
Yacine Chamane's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Change Color of Text inside a block

I want change the color of a word in a block. I used colorlinks, but the links will be coloured by the default colour is red. \hypersetup{ colorlinks=true, linkcolor=blue, } \cventry{08 July 2018}{...
vero's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Color names in foreach loop

Edit: I can't delete this question despite it being based on a silly mistake. Please don't waste time reading/answering. I'm trying to draw a row of boxes which alternate colours, and I'm using a \...
thosphor's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How to combine cgloss4e, colouring and pinyin?

This is a follow-up to this question. In this new question, I would like to be able to combine the colour-altering commands provided in the previous question with the automatic pinyin encoding of the ...
Patrick Trentin's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to colour text inside aligned gb4e gloss examples?

I am using the package gb4e to gloss a number of linguistic examples. Its main feature, is that it aligns the words in the original language with glosses. I would like to be able to change the font/...
Patrick Trentin's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Fill area between vectors with color

I have the following simple code: \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.40] \coordinate (Origin) at (0,0); \coordinate (XAxisMin) at (-1,0); \coordinate (XAxisMax) at (1,0); \coordinate (YAxisMin)...
Marion's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to change the color of \faQuestionCircle in Beamer?

How to change the color of \faQuestionCircle in Beamer? \documentclass[ aspectratio=169 ]{beamer} \usepackage{fontawesome} \usetheme{Darmstadt} \setbeamerfont{section in head/foot}{...
Sasan's user avatar
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0 answers

Use hsb color model

How do you define colors using hsb color parameters? I need a certain hue and want to fiddle with the saturation and the brightness. The xcolor package documentation does not explain how to use \...
thymaro's user avatar
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Row color complete [duplicate]

I have a problem with the color of the rows and I have searched and tried several solutions and I have not been successful. I can set the color of the row without problem, but the colo does not occupy ...
Saszalez's user avatar
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How to color labelnames in bibliography? [duplicate]

I would like to have the names of authors/editors (editors only if no authors given) in a certain color (e.g. red). \documentclass[% ]{scrbook}% \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage{filecontents} ...
lukascbossert's user avatar
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How to change colour within equation? [duplicate]

I’m using article class, and I want to change colour within the equation tag, multiple times. I found that using mathmode I can change colour, but I want to use equation tag instead. After having the ...
kneazle's user avatar
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1 answer

commands with variable adds horizontal spacing in text

I am using the following command to create two version of an article, one where changes with respect to the first version are showed in blue and a second one that is supposed to be the final version ...
Mr. D's user avatar
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1 answer

Custom color for LaTeX output in Sphinx documentation package

I am trying to customize the color of the LaTeX inline formula when using Sphinx documentation package, and html output. The details: I have a file called func.rst, which includes the following line:...
DalyaG's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to choose a different color for structure text in notes

Is there a way to typeset structure with different colors in the presentation (slides) and in the notes? My slides use white font on a black background (for the students to see while I talk) and the ...
Jander's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

PGFPlots custom colorbar for heatmap

plotting data from a matrix as a heatmap works so far. The z values are percentages from 0% to 150%. The problem is that i can't define the colors properly. The colorbar should look like this: [0% - ...
Arno's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Change the color of a counter number

I have created a special environment (called 'psalm') that splits the text into verses, formats them, and enumerates them. I would like to also make the numbers of the verses appear in \textcolor{...
Richard's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Words with swedish letters don't show in \hl{}

I want to highlight a Swedish word with \hl{en kassör}, but the word kassör just disappears and only en is highlighted. I use the pdfLaTex compiler in v2 Overleaf. I use the following code: \...
larsson's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Horizontal shaded frametitle in the CambridgeUS theme [duplicate]

I would like to modify (as simply as possible) the frametitle color of my frames but without changing anything else : I currently use the theme CambridgeUS and basically I would like to modify my ...
Cristaaal16's user avatar
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Error Conflict between fourienc package with amsmath pakage

I type a below document using fourienc package and amsmath package \documentclass[12pt,a4paper,oneside]{article} \usepackage{amsmath,amsfonts,txfonts,ulem} \usepackage{fouriernc} \usepackage[utf8]{...
Cao Thành Thái's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Adding color and lines in a preloaded table (text file)

I apologize in advance if this has already been asked. I've tried numerous combinations but to no avail. I have a text file with ~60 rows and 3 columns. The first thing I did (successfully) was to ...
Kandrax's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Hyphenation of camelCase inside an \ifthenelse while using custom hyphenation command

While writing software documentation, the need arose for a command that automatically hyphenates camelCase words at uppercase letters, e.g. camel-Case. Furthermore, these camelCase words are typeset ...
Jay_At_Play's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Colored headrule - fancyhdr

Using the provided line of code here changes successfully the header color but creates a gap between the headertext/colorbox(lheadtext, rheadtext) and the header: Is there a way to color the header ...
Leo Boldt's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Color only one item in numbered list

Say I want all of the text on the second line "(a) Cat" to be in red (including the numbering and parentheses "(a)"). Everything else remains black. How do I do this? \documentclass{article} \begin{...
user avatar
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How do you change the colour of the subtitles in beamer slides (lower title)?

My question relates to the Beamer templates. I am looking to change the lower title (underneath my name) on my slide but it stays black. I have no idea where to start for this solution. \...
K-Q's user avatar
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Lualatex: Change the colour of a specific character

This is similar to Change the color of capital letters and the MWE below is modelled on egreg's answer. It works up to the point of correctly changing the first character in the input string. What I ...
DLyons's user avatar
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How to make a comparison table with check

I start with this: \documentclass[border=2mm]{standalone} \begin{document} \begin{table}[h!] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{c|c|c|c|} \hline & hello & ...
Vidal's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How to discard pages from PDF output without affecting text color

I need to output only 1 specific page from LaTeX document for which I use the pagesel package; the text itself has \color set which is discarded along with the first page. The whole text, both pages, ...
eudoxos's user avatar
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Change colors of the rules in minitoc

I'm deseperatly trying to change the colors of the rules in minitoc. I tried differents things : Try 1 : Change all hrule colors with \makeatletter \let\old@rule\@rule \def\@rule[#1]#2#3{\...
Maxouille's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Abstract colored background with frame lines

Is there a way to get the colored box around the abstract more even and with blue lines at the top and bottom edges? Like here in this journal: I am using default TeXStudio, this is my code so far: ...
Leo Boldt's user avatar
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1 answer

How to use xcolor to color a pgfplot

How do I use xcolor to color a specific cell from a table in pgfplots? Is xcolor the best tool to use here? I'm trying to loop over a list of colors and color the cells in the column individually. \...
Kevin Gregory's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to get same background color all over header in threeparttable

I am trying to get the entire header area (the two rows between \toprule and the long \midrule) of the table area to get the same background color (without any whitespace), but it doesn't seem to work....
jibo's user avatar
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Color difference in moderncv and moderntimeline

I'm playing around with the moderncv and moderntimeline package to create my CV. However, if I specifiy that moderntimelinecv should be in blue the color dosn't match with the blue from the moderncv ...
Jul15's user avatar
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1 answer

How to display colors of Octave code in latex with listings?

In my paper I include Octave code with \usepackage{listings} No I want that the text and numbers be written in the same colors as the are represented with in Octave. Everything is fine, except that ...
F K's user avatar
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Adding text color in beamer

I am trying to use \usepackage[usenames, dvipsnames]{color} package given here .I am using \color{RubineRed}{NameName} to change the color of the text NameName.But, the color of the text doesn't ...
Natasha's user avatar
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