Questions tagged [coordinates]

{coordinates} is about using coordinates in {diagrams}.

23 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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tikz-3dplot: How can I recover the x,y,z components of a previously defined coordinate?

Specifically, in order to use the \tdplotsetcoord command to define coordinates and then use the \tdplotdefinepoints(Vx,Vy,Vz)(Ax,Ay,Az)(Bx,By,Bz) command that requires the x,y,z components of the ...
user3780514's user avatar
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Tikz: Moving the origin to a polar coordinate

Reading the documentation, I was under the impression that “++” changes the origin to that point. At the same time, I understand that a polar coordinate specifies a certain point by giving the angle ...
Renzo's user avatar
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pstricks rput coordinates and rotation broken

when using pstricks rput, all coordinates are piled up and rotations are piled up and the rotation also doesn't work. Anchorage and other functionality seems to work. I'm using Xelatex on an Arch ...
bartolo 05's user avatar
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page coordinate vs TeX coordinate

I am reading the synctex source code, now I found he comment mentioned two type of coordinates, page coordinates and TeX coordinates. anyone know about the two type of coordinate system? The docs only ...
Dolphin's user avatar
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I cannot define tikz coordinate with foreach statement

I got a weird bug when I want to define and name a list of coordinates \tikz{ \foreach \name/\pos in {{a/(1,0)}, {b/(0,1)}} \coordinate (\name) at \pos ; } The error is {/usr/local/texlive/2023/...
JGressier's user avatar
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Evaluate variables for positioning multiple times

Here is a working code (I'll describe it just after) : \documentclass[border=2pt]{standalone} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{graphics} \usepackage{tikz,pgfplots} \...
LMT-PhD's user avatar
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LaTeX Error: Illegal parameter number in pgfplots coordinate list

I am experiencing a persistent error when trying to compile a pgfplots scatter plot in LaTeX. The error message I receive is: ./test.tex:23: Illegal parameter number in definition of \pgfmaththisrow@....
Marcus's user avatar
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A simple question about mfpic coordinates

I'm learning a little mfpic. I have the following code that draws just a line and I just need to know the meaning of the coordinates: [15]{-7}{6}{-3}{3} \documentclass{article} \usepackage[metapost]{...
Rafiq's user avatar
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How to delete duplicate points in computer generated tikz image

I used an svg file of an image as the basis for a program (this one, I think) to generate a tikz version of the image. The tikz code it produced compiles correctly and the image looks good, but the ...
Brian's user avatar
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Pgfplots: plot exponentially halving x values at regular intervals

I want to plot a dataset with pgfplots. In my dataset, 0 < x < 1 and everything interesting happens for values of x close to 1. In particular, the interesting points happen at halving intervals ...
ellerre's user avatar
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Transform pgfplot coordinates; "axis cs" but for \pic Radii

I am trying to use angle radius in \pic without units, but instead with the axis coordinate system. In a sense the same as axis cs does for coordinates, but just for this radius. I have looked through ...
rlakoda's user avatar
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Grid and label in a coordinate with a different angle betwenn the axis

I have drawn a coordinate with an angle of 30 degrees betwenn the x- and the y- axis like this: \documentclass[border=3mm,tikz]{standalone} \usetikzlibrary{arrows} \begin{document} \newcommand{\...
RWassermeier's user avatar
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Coordinate naming in custom Tikz package

I want to make my own Tikz library/package or just a set of commands for making hydraulic diagrams within the Tikz environment. Say I want to draw a valve like (b) with the notation for the nodes in (...
Tjelo's user avatar
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How to know the coordinate for Tikz drawing? Is there a way to show the coordinates in Texmaker? Thank you

I have trouble in "estimating" the coordinates in an a0 size poster. How do I know the exact coordinate in the paper? Is there grid or ruler in Texmaker to help me? Thank you.
Ka Wa Yip's user avatar
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TikZ: collecting defined coordinates in a list

I want to collect previously defined coordinates in a list and print them later in a \foreach-loop for debugging purposes. The following MWE shows the list \points which ideally should be defined and ...
kaat0's user avatar
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Default unit for x,y components of `tikzmath` coordinate is in `pt`

Lets say I want to draw a line on a grid given two points A,B: \documentclass[tikz]{standalone} %mixing defs and coordinates is a bad idea \usetikzlibrary{fit,shapes,calc,matrix,math,positioning,...
Ted Black's user avatar
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Why does my \includegraphics size not match the length of the coordinate system after setting the height and width?

mycode is like this: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{3d} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node[canvas is zy plane at x=0mm] (temp) at (0.0mm,0.0mm,0.0mm) {\...
梁港林's user avatar
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\psframe works but \rput doesn’t in pspicture

This is my MWE : \documentclass[pstricks,border=12pt]{standalone} \begin{document} \begin{pspicture}[showgrid=top](5,5) \psframe[linecolor=red,linewidth=2pt,dimen=inner,framearc=0.5](3,1)(4,2) \...
fauve's user avatar
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Inferring the baseline height and bounding box widths of characters/text/equations in the 'standalone' environment

I am writing a mathematics visualisation tool using C++ and OpenGL, and want to incorporate LaTeX text and equations. I was initially looking for a C++ library to directly render LaTeX text/equations ...
niran90's user avatar
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Taking coordinates of Test.pos file type not possible!

1. Test.tex Running Test.tex (see below) saves the coordinates (as pt, not mm or sp) of \eins{title 1}{some text } in the file Test.pos, which is: % this is Test.tex \documentclass{article} ...
Bilal Yilmaz's user avatar
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How to plot geographic coordinates with tikz?

Hello I'm trying to plot geographic coordinates of a route between real locations. I'm struggling to show the graph in full page or zoomed in. I searched a bit on internet and I can't seem to find the ...
JosephRob's user avatar
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cs system of tikz fails when using newlength

I found this nice answer on reversing tikz coordinates Reverse coordinate system/axis in TikZ However, it fails one you use \newlength as shown in this example: \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{...
Viesturs's user avatar
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Problem with coordinates

I don't know how those coordinates in brackets work. I mean, if I got $(a,b)$ it is like in Euclidean coordinates. But in below example I can't deduce how it works. \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.6] \...
Janukalado's user avatar