Questions tagged [double-sided]

{double-sided} is about double-sided document layouts, e.g. different margins for left and right pages or chapters always starting on a right page.

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2 answers

KOMA script - widening text width

I have a longtable that is about 14cm wide and the text width of 12 cm. Therefore I would like to widen the text width on two pages for 2 cm, toward the outer edge of the page. I have "discovered" ...
Pygmalion's user avatar
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Deactivate twoside for bibliography and glossary

since the bibliography and glossary barely fit into their columns and start using several pages, I would like to deactivate twoside for them. How can this be acomplished or is that a bad practice?
RootRaven's user avatar
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Wide table in twoside document

I am using a twoside document style and have a wide table crossing the right margin if it is on a right page. How can I disable the twoside style for just the table to center it. What is the correct ...
RootRaven's user avatar
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How to put a symbol always in the right margin, even in twoside mode, like line numbers of lineno?

I discovered the package lineno which in two side mode of the class article can force to put the line numbers on the right. I really like that because I want me QED symbol to do the same. Currently, ...
John's user avatar
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How to use one-sided pages formatting in classicthesis without shifting title page?

I'm using the classicthesis package with the template provided on ( to write my MSc thesis. I am required to ...
Raisin Bread's user avatar
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How to vertical align lines of facing pages

It is a good typographic practice that lines of two facing pages are aligned. Also, the lines at the two sides of a paper should be aligned. How can I achieve this with LaTeX? Especially when having ...
MakisH's user avatar
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Specification of the Layout for Q-A Reference Cards (Flashcards, Visual Cards)

I'm relatively new to LaTeX and I've used Microsoft Word so far for virtually all work with documents. For college, to use own question-and-answer reference cards, I decided once to split a portrait ...
user36933's user avatar
11 votes
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Problem with margins using amsart and geometry packages

I do not want different margins on even and odd sides, I just want the usual page setup from the amsart package. However, consider: \documentclass{amsart} \usepackage{geometry} \usepackage{lipsum} \...
Håkon Hægland's user avatar
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Problem with margins

I need to set margins. The odd pages should have left margin 3.5 cm and right margin 2.5 cm. The even pages should have left margin 2.5 cm and right margin 3.5 cm. I tried to do it but for example by ...
goLK's user avatar
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strictpagecheck and adjustwidth - buglet in memoir and related questions

My documents have frequent material that requires checking whether I am verso or recto (either marginals or material where I am adjusting the margin width via adjustwidth). Generally I have not had to ...
Aubrey Blumsohn's user avatar
7 votes
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Full-width figure, odd/even pages + margin

situation I'm using the memoir class, two-sided. I left place for margin notes. Thus the text block is not at the center of my "sheet of paper" and this non-central position is different for ...
peasou's user avatar
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Switch to one-side layout in KOMA-Script scrbook

I'm using scrbook as document class for my thesis. The two-page layout is just fine in general, but I want the Appendix to be one-sided only. I read the following post Switch to one-sided mode in the ...
Chris's user avatar
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Make every other page a float page (or empty) [duplicate]

I would like to be able to make every other page in a double-sided document be a float page or empty (apart from header w/page number). Ideally this would be the verso page and all floats (unless ...
equaeghe's user avatar
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Show footnotes on odd pages only

I'm writing my thesis using the scrbook-class. Is it possible to display footnotes only on the odd (right) pages? This should mean that \footnote{something} should be collected on even pages and ...
MrD's user avatar
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How to create a short caption (as \listoffigures entry) with \twopagepicture?

Using the \twopagepicture command like in this example (How to include a picture over two pages, left part on left side, right on right (for books)?), is there any chance to create an entry to the ...
Oliver's user avatar
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problem with change of pagenumbering with twoside

I am using scrartcl with the twopage option to get a two sided document. The result is as desired. If I change the pagenumbering after the first few pages (title page, list of contents, ...) from ...
kyra's user avatar
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wrong twoside margin

I am using the twoside margin in a book classes but I have inverse margins. On odd pages left margin is wider than the right one and viceversa on even pages. It is a subclasses, I attached it below, ...
Marco's user avatar
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Ensure figures are placed on an odd page

Is there a way to ensure that figures (or other floats) are always displayed on an odd page? I'm using memoir for writing my thesis, which can be set to automatically place e.g. chapter beginnings on ...
Rasmus Gross Søgaard's user avatar
9 votes
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Nonstandard quotation margins

I would like to create a document with nonstandard quotation environment. The goal is that on odd pages quotations have to be indent on the left, and on even pages in opposite way (indent on the ...
mc2's user avatar
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How to put equation numbers on the left or the right, depending on whether the page is odd or even

I'm trying to create a document that has labels on different sides on even and odd pages. I would like the labels were on the even-numbered pages on the right and on the odd-numbered pages on the left....
Agnieszka's user avatar
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scrbook twoside=off but alternating headings like with twoside=on?

I use scrbook for a large document and decided to print it out one sided only. So I added twoside=off to the scrbook class options. However, that's not quite what I wanted to achieve. There is only a ...
absurd's user avatar
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How to create different margins for odd and even pages?

I'm trying to create a document that has different margins on even and odd pages. This is what I've tried: \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage[slovene]{babel} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}...
Dejan Govc's user avatar
4 votes
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Margin vertical rule on outside margin of twosided memoir

So I have found this code which puts a rule inside the left margin. How can I get the code to switch to the outside margin on a two sided document? I can't locate the original post, as it was on TeX....
Calhistorian's user avatar
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How do I draw a line on the INNER margin in a double-sided document?

With the mdframed package one can draw nice lines on the left or right of the text. For example: \documentclass[a4paper,twoside,11pt]{article} \usepackage[framemethod=TikZ]{mdframed} \...
John's user avatar
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Is it possible to use tcolorbox in XeLaTeX?

This is a trivial color box, which provided by tcolorbox package: \begin{tcolorbox}[colback=red!5!white,colframe=red!75!black,title=My nice heading] This is another \textbf{tcolorbox}. \tcblower Here,...
Gurebu Bokofu's user avatar
13 votes
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How can one ensure that footnotes page-wrap only from verso (back, even-numbered) to recto (front, odd-numbered) pages?

How can one ensure that footnotes page-wrap only from verso (back, even-numbered) to recto (front, odd-numbered) pages? With the following code, the line to which the second footnote is attached ...
Lover of Structure's user avatar
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heading breaks with twopage option for book class

I had to switch from oneside to twoside option for book class to get the binding right. Unfortunately this breaks the chapter headings if they land on even pages (on uneven pages the heading looks ...
tired_of_nitpickers's user avatar
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Section name on the right hand sides (odd numbered) [closed]

Here are the command lines that appear in the preamble of a book manuscript: \pagestyle{fancy} \lhead{\nouppercase{\rightmark}} \rhead{\nouppercase{\leftmark}} \renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{% \...
Bjarne A. Jensen's user avatar
6 votes
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Placement of margins notes on even pages

I'm writing a textbook and am using \marginpar to put a mnemonic on the margins (a triangle and a writing hand symbol from the marvosym package) for the reader to work out the derivation in the text. ...
Shomu Banerjee's user avatar
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Is there a list environment with (double sided) page headers?

This question is an extension of Headers and footers for listing environment?: I have a list of objects (like tables or simply boxes) that should be vertically stacked (so it's a list) and is longer ...
Martin Schröder's user avatar
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How to make a doublesided longtable with a doublesided header? [duplicate]

I'm currently struggeling to extend a onesided longtable with fixed column widths to a double-sided layout (where the position of the columns changes depending on even/odd pages). My current approach ...
Martin Schröder's user avatar
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How to start document with empty page followed by table of contents?

In a book class document, I am trying to insert one empty page before the table of contents. I tried with the following code : \documentclass[a4paper]{book} \begin{document} \thispagestyle{...
danjjl's user avatar
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Fine Tuning Float Positioning [duplicate]

How can I make a float have a dedicated page AND be always placed on an EVEN page (ie left page of double sided book)? I explicitly do not want to have certain floats taking up a whole page on the ...
Nicholas Hamilton's user avatar
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Book style does wrong page shift

I'm writing my thesis in LaTeX and i'm using \documentclass[12pt,a4paper,twoside,openright,titlepage]{book} but I have a problem. I want, as in books, that the odd pages are shift to the right and ...
Massimo Terrin's user avatar
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Different margins for odd and even pages, but not mirrored with memoir [duplicate]

I need a help with this page layout: top/bottom margins: 2cm for all pages on even pages: 3.5cm - 2cm on odd pages: 2cm - 2cm I tried: \setlrmarginsandblock{3cm}{2cm}{*} \setulmarginsandblock{2cm}{...
Ric's user avatar
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Memoir oneside/twoside question

I have a memoir-class document: \documentclass[oneside,letterpaper]{memoir} which I set to oneside or twoside depending on if I want to create either an electronic copy (one side) or printable copy (...
Jordan's user avatar
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TOC, LOF and LOT won't start on right [duplicate]

The Table of Contents, List of Figures and List of Tables won't start on the right page (recto) even though I put an openright documentclass option. I tried \clearpage before each one, didn't work. ...
Ayman Elmasry's user avatar
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How to get dpfloat to take odd pages to be on left

This is a followup to the question: How to ensure that 2 couples of figures are on 2 facing pages?. The answer there was to use dpfloat. However, dpfloat assumes that even pages are on the left. In ...
Caleb's user avatar
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\twosides in KOMA - Why is my titlepage not centered

I'm using scrbook with the twosidesoption, and BCOR=10mm. The title page, being an odd page, has a large margin on the right, and a small margin on the left. I'm currently using the following to make ...
Roland's user avatar
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14 votes
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Marginpar on a fixed side of two-column double-sided memoir document

I have a two-column, double-sided document class based on memoir, where the wide margin is always on the left. I would like the \marginpar to always be in this left margin, irrespective of whether it ...
René R's user avatar
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Two pictures, side by side on even and odd page [duplicate]

I am formatting a twopage book on latex and I have a diagram divided on two almost page size images. (Two captions). What can I do for putting the first image on an even page and the second on the ...
Jonas's user avatar
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Keeping consistent twoside margins across different pagenumbering styles

I'm writing a report which needs to be bound, and as such I'd like to use the twoside option. However, the first few pages of the report are causing some issues with the ordering. In the MWE below, ...
heuristicus's user avatar
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Pagestyle wrong after \cleardoublepage [closed]

Using KOMA-script I have problems with a twosided document. I want my sections to start on an odd page, so i use \cleardoublepage before starting the next section. I want the section title to be ...
Sunday's user avatar
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11 votes
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Position two floats on opposing pages [duplicate]

I have some big body of text with a figure within it, and another figure that requires a full float page (I use \begin{figure}[p]). The two figures relate to one another, and should really be viewed ...
evanb's user avatar
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Asymmetrical layout in two-sided document

I use two-sided document mode in Book class KOMA Script. It works well in the sense that the ToC, chapters, titles starts from the odd pages. Exactly we I need in a book. In a recent book I need to ...
Shi Yuan's user avatar
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Have \cleardoublepage working in oneside scrreprt

That seems quite elementary, but I didn't find the answer. How can I have the \cleardoublepage command work in a oneside environment? That seems kind of odd to ask for that, but I have to send an ...
Thomas Richard's user avatar
8 votes
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write to back page of part

I have defined (using koma-script), that chapters only start on the right side. The same applies to part pages. So far this is ok. But now I want to insert a contents list (using titletoc) on the ...
Matthias Pospiech's user avatar
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A pagestyle with note taking area on the verso page

Is there a way to create a pagestyle wich forces all of the content of a document to the recto pages and show a "note taking area" on the verso pages?
schmendrich's user avatar
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Alternative for twoside

I'm using the report class and would like an alternative to the option "twoside". I want chapters and top level TOC-elements to start on right hand pages, but I don't want any of the other, layout ...
Man's user avatar
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komascript/scrpage2: odd page header in passages without a \section (two-sided docs)

Suppose you have a two-sided document. The even page's header contains the title of the current chapter; the odd page's header contains the title of the current section. Nothing too fancy, and pretty ...
Nils L's user avatar
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